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"The Nexus of Time"
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Image Title:  "The Nexus of Time"
Favorites: 6 
 By: Jim McNitt  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Jim McNitt {Karma:11246}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon D-60
Categories Photoart
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 10/6/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1276 Shutter
Favorites Aperture Bryce rendering + photos
Critiques 49 Rating
/ 31 Ratings
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About My fascination with the topic of time branches in two directions--the scientific and the poetic. In the last image, "Geologic Time," I tried to merge the two with a visualization of how earth might have looked during the first 500 million or so years as the crust and mantle gradually cooled. The poetic element, of course, is the stylized bat, its wings spreading and its head lifted in a silent scream of anguish and anger. My profound thanks for the many astute and encouraging comments. They are deeply appreciated. ////// Today's composite returns to the realm of the purely poetic. It combines a few ordinary objects in an extraordinary way. Technically, it's my first experiment in some time with a large, high-resolution file. At 200 dpi, it measures 28x22 inches. My aim is to "tile" print the overall image onto four 11x14 inch canvas panels which will then be stretched over supports and assembled into a single frame. Whether it works or not, I will discover in the fullness of time...
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There are 49 Comments in 1 Pages
Audrey Reid   {K:5872} 11/25/2003
Beautiful, clean clear and creative as always.


Elinda Santia   {K:338} 11/13/2003
this is good!!


Khoi Nguyen Khoi Nguyen   {K:8700} 11/5/2003
Wow, simply stunning!


Gaetan Chevalier   {K:4188} 11/5/2003
Jim, je suis émerveillé par la grande créativité que vous avez en photographie. Cette photo est le travail d'un grand artiste en photographie. Vous maitrisez l'art de la photographie! Bravo mon ami.


1) Question. Where are you Jim.We waiting on your new art pictures.Regards,AdamO


Wonderful Photoart picture.Great work,Jim.Regards,AdamO


Richard Blount   {K:8015} 10/8/2003
Very nicely done Jim, the touch of humour is there in abundance, I like the colour very much, nice work - Richard.


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 10/8/2003
wow..................pure surrealism!!!!!!!! magic-transports you away.........


peta jones   {K:12615} 10/8/2003
A poetic vision Jim, very cool, very blue, but that's good.:)


Carol Watson   {K:5185} 10/7/2003
Why do I like this one so much? It's sparse and leaves plenty of room for imaginations to wander about. I think there is some kind of calculus or geometry theory in play here. I can't wait for the corollory! Adding to my faves.


Lou Verruto   {K:1375} 10/7/2003
Aerodrome, Schenectady, New York. Janis Joplin and Big Brother. Janis drank all the Southern Comfort in the building and then left with me to go across the street to hear a friend of mine's band. She took "Another piece of his heart" as I (and he) recall, and I still hate him to this very day. It's the bowler hat, brought all those memories back. Either me, my friend or Janis was wearing a similar hat that memorable evening. Thanks for the mammaries (um.. memories) :)

Oh..and superb work.



G C   {K:12204} 10/7/2003
Not interested in a technical debate, in my mind it is clearly art (photo or otherwise) and it captured me, made me feel like I was floating inside the image, and made me smile... as if I was at a party and a good friend slipped an inside joke into the conversation that no one understood but me.

...and, that's what it's all about.


John Thomas   {K:127} 10/7/2003
I could not disagree with Daniel Guerin the 70's I spent many tedious hours in the darkroom burning, dodging, sandwiching, making collages taking a bit from one neg and a bit from another...solarizing and on and on...just because we can push our imaginations with computers now doesn't make it any less's all about light, shadow, composition and the effect of the image upon the viewer. Jim's work challenges me, entertains and moves me. It's photography at its best and photoart is the perfect place for it. Thanks, Jim.


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 10/7/2003
Richard, I think you got that all wrong. Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. (John A. Wheeler)


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 10/7/2003
I'm glad I encountered your images. You look to me to be the Salvador Dali of photography, but I'm sure I dishonor you both by making that sort of connection. This is about time but has a "spatial" look to it, which is another way of expressing it I suppose. Unlike most people, I do know what time is.

Time: It's just one damned thing after another.


julio vagrant   {K:694} 10/7/2003
Excellent!! good tones of blue, so surrealist. good answer to daniel guerin's why.. no lines, any frontier


setiadi darmawan   {K:18} 10/7/2003
nice idea


B:)liana    {K:30945} 10/7/2003
ooooooooooooooooo SURREALISME.. oooooo.. wonderful. You are my new Dali! Oh, this is so great. wonderding wondering !!! HOW YOU DO IT ha h a.. oh. bravoooooooo Jim... You are so creative and inspirative. What a cosmic imagination you have. Dali is your twin brother? Kisses and Hugs in purple and blue for you dear Friend. Biliana


Aykan OZENER Aykan OZENER   {K:5996} 10/7/2003
Dear Jim!
Your work surrealist.I am hear voice Dali's: W O W ....


Ben Goossens   {K:491} 10/7/2003
Hi Jim my friend,
the rendering doesn't disburb me at all.
Once again, a good surealistic image ? la Magritte, which I admire.
If I may... I would sugest some corrections:
The clock in the water could use a "FLOOD" filter effect from Flamingpear.
For the composition, I would crop the 2 stones at the top and change the proportions of some elements to create more image can say more than thousand... see in attachment.
I hope Jim, that once again, I'm not a pain in the ... and that proposed corrections are interesting for you.

Friendly regards, Ben


Craig Garland   {K:27077} 10/7/2003
...floating rocks and that ubiquitous bowler hat. I have no words or insights on this one;>) Jim.


Rhonda Prince   {K:17687} 10/6/2003
Blue and a's a hit with me!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 10/6/2003
It is a very clean design, and it works for me, but only if I realign my expectations to looking at graphic form. It would be fun to see this realized as you describe them. After ruminating over the title, I'll admit not getting the "nexus" part here. Are they fossils/skulls outnumbering the bowler hat? Maybe they are rocks with geological value. Maybe I need more coffee :-) The design is rather sparse, maybe overly so, but then I suspect this goes along with the nearly featureless sky and the very uniformly patterned water surface.


Hugo Pierre   {K:15692} 10/6/2003
Wow!...It's a masterpiece, you have got an original and fine idea. Very, very well done and...I can't add anything more. Bravo!.


Zé Ovo   {K:7579} 10/6/2003
Excellent work!
Very nice photo!


Elizabeth Miller Elizabeth Miller   {K:2766} 10/6/2003
Well Jim,,,there's nothing left to say except "I love it, I love it, I love it."
The blue is so clear and blue,,,the water so calm,,,I could just stare at it with just the water and the sky. You are my imspiration.



Mik Teige   {K:2311} 10/6/2003
Hi Jim. At that instant... Perfect scene and expression. Your ideas - hats off to... Very nice image. Mik


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 10/6/2003
Don't need that detail in bottom.I'd like this pic without it.Others is great!
Interesting and creative work.


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 10/6/2003
Excellent work! Very interesting! Very creative pic of the absurdity! My best regards!


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 10/6/2003
I love this one! well done, Jim!


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 10/6/2003
Old hat?! You must be joking! This one really rocks!!
Sorry, Jim! Had to get that out of my system!
Sounds like an extraordinary project ~ only wish I could see the resulting image fully assembled.
All sorts of questions come to mind: Like how did you decide where to put the rocks? What exactly ARE the three 'ordinary objects' sticking up out of the blue? Etc, etc. Maybe there aren't answers! Maybe we make up our own. I guess that's where real Christianity differs from things like art and poetry. Hmm! Better not go there ~ even with broadband I haven't got the time!
Best regards, Chris.
P.S. Thank you for such a positive and intuitive response to my last upload.


Anna    {K:2994} 10/6/2003
VERY Arty, Jim. I like this one ... so different from the other picures of yours...
Keep surprising us.. you are so inspirational! Thank you.


Masahiko Shibata Masahiko Shibata   {K:14107} 10/6/2003
Nice creative work!Dali!


Harlan Heald Harlan Heald   {K:15732} 10/6/2003
Excellent! Very creative construction/composition! Magnificent work!

Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.


Jim McNitt   {K:11246} 10/6/2003
Hi Daniel:

Excellent question.

Actually, there are four photos in the one image, three times more photography than most UF uploads. So while the idea that "there's nothing photographic" isn't exactly acurate, it is very true that prevailing imagery is, indeed, rendered. The reason is purely stylistic.

I havehundreds of ocean vistas, not to mention many, many high plains American desert scenes, that I could have used. The problem is that none of these have the kind of SURREAL ordinariness that is the result of a defined color palette and the repetition of detail that can be achieved with a rendering.

Photos always contain so many precise visual elements that they are almost never an image of a high-plains desert -- but an image of the Painted Desert, the Moab and so one. Even with an ocean scene, there are subtle clues in water color, wave shape, sun reflections, sky transparency, etc that individualize the scene -- which is precisely what I don't want.

Instead, for this image I was searching for a setting that is so universally ordinary that it could arise not from WITHOUT in some identifiable landscape, but from WITHIN. From inside the subsconscious realm of dreams and partially forgotten memories.

In philosophical terms, I'm looking for the shadows in Plato's Cave. The template, as it were, for the perfect sky and the perfect ocean. In artistic terms, I'm looking to create imagery that is not real, but surreal--beyond the logic of reality!

That's why this image contains both photographic and rendered elements.



Hakan AKIRMAK Hakan AKIRMAK   {K:15913} 10/6/2003
Good work but I think this is not a photograph!


Mário Sousa   {K:16985} 10/6/2003
fantastic image


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 10/6/2003


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 10/6/2003
There are some symbolic items you're using several times in your pics..this is good. Your time-series is great, and would look special together on a wall, in fairly big prints. :-) I like it a lot.


Bahadir k Bahadir k   {K:8825} 10/6/2003
perfect tones and effects used,
reminded me a Salvador Dali piece


Armando Jorge   {K:7937} 10/6/2003
Excellent composition !! Stunning work !!


cecilia tovini   {K:29423} 10/6/2003
Perdonami, questa sera scrivo in italiano perché in inglese non riuscirei a farti capire quanto è bella questa foto. Il blu è il mio colore preferito. Più che una foto è un quadro! E mi fa venire in mente in tutto e per tutto i futuristi che io amo molto.
Ti offendi se ti chiedo di farmi avere una copia di questa foto da appendere nella mia agenzia? Secondo me si abbina molto bene con il viaggio e la mia è un'agenzia di viaggi.
Mi piacerebbe. Ciao Cecilia


Vilardo Antonella   {K:197} 10/6/2003


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 10/6/2003
Jim, Fantastic photoart! This is classic! Great image, like the penquins in the back. So happens that I am a huge Zappa fan. Have to find me and photograph "Billy the Mountain". Outragously wonderful work Jim.


Gabriele Versari   {K:137} 10/6/2003


Daniel Guerin Daniel Guerin   {K:7961} 10/6/2003
Well theres nothing photographic about so why did you put it here? I don't mean to sound rude, I'm sure in the right place this is great but I always thought this was a photography site. I wouldn't upload an mp3 of some of my music here, I'd find the right place. I'm sorry if I'm wrong, I mean no offence, I'm just wondering why.


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 10/6/2003
as usually original and creative work


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 10/6/2003
I apreciate your work. Excellent this one!...congrats Jim!


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 10/6/2003
stunning blue.




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