Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 10/21/2009
Thanks Manali... thank you for all kind words
Manali Das
{K:234} 10/21/2009
Hello Aiman, Wonderful colour capture!:)
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 5/4/2003
Striking color and wonderful composition. Well seen and captured!
Sarah Moustafa
{K:4456} 4/27/2003
so simple and attractive.
Dis Banded
{K:-71} 4/20/2003
Becky V
{K:9699} 9/23/2002
Well, the second photo with its added context is no longer an abstract. However, I think it's a nice architecture photo with great colour (not your usual greys or browns or whites) and the yellow behind the squares balances the yellow on the left. It's hard to say which I like better because even though the subject is the same, they really are two different photos (it's like apples and oranges . . . or is that just the colour? ;p ). I lean slightly towards the original abstract.
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 9/23/2002
Thank you Ingrid, Elangovan and Becky,
I just watned to share you my other shot for the same thing, just a wider angle of view, to tell me what do you think about it... what I like about the other one (yet it is not that simple as this one) is the reptetion of the boxes, and the balance between the sign writing (I couldn't find what does that mean Ingrid :) ), and that small diagonal line leading to the picture...
You tell me what do you think please

Becky V
{K:9699} 9/23/2002
I love the vibrancy and the simple shapes in this photo. The yellow rectangle in the foreground gives it a bit of depth. The light at the top of the banner is a little hot, but other than that, it's great. :)
Elangovan S
{K:10675} 9/14/2002
Excellent colors... A Great abstact picture.
Ingrid Mathews
{K:7277} 9/14/2002
I absolutely LOVE these colors. Could you please translate the sign. Thanks. Great shot!