james mckenna
{K:6535} 5/9/2004
carlheinz, thank you for your praise, yet i am most grateful that you share my understanding of the difference between a picture's power and the various details that contribute to that power. far too much attention is paid to the technical aspects of photography, as if mastering those might make one a better photographer. in fact, there's a certain base level of technical skill necessary, and from there it's a matter of refining one's ability to capture a powerful image and not damage it too much in the darkroom.
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 5/7/2004
Kind of bizarre, that you have to explain your thoughts and intentions. I think sometimes the viewers just seek to give advices to create a perfect picture. Catchlight here, contrast there and so on. For ME the most important question is: Do I touch my audience? Did I create a mood? Will the viewer keep my picture in mind somehow? Talking about this picture. I LOVE IT. I love how you kept distance from the viewer, but the way she looks at me blows my mind. That's the kind of picture where I don't care about some funky details. The impression of the couple is simply FANTASTIC. Highest ratings and this is MY PICTURE OF THE DAY!!! Cheers! Carlheinz
diptanshu roy
{K:1059} 4/29/2004
lovely impression
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 1/30/2004
oh my, James..William told me you addressed an image to me and i came to look..i remember you sending this to me and how much i loved it..well that's changed..i love it even more now..like a song you hear and you like and then you hear it again and for some reason it's now off the charts. There's a sultry passion here that just takes my breath away. Yeah, it could be called a bit sleezy except for the tenderness in his face and in her hand that defies cheap characterization. There is an exotic foreignness to their faces and the naturallness of their sexuality that feels alien to my "protestant" upbringing (albeit that i was raised Catholic) and so therefore very thrilling. This is an amazing image. i don't care about crops or tones or technicality. This is exciting and passionate and your capture is superb. kat~
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 12/24/2003
seems like a backstreet incident - like it alot for that - like what are you doing here but nevermind get on with it hehe - well that's me - wouldn't look right if this was technicaly perfect - you would definately lose the edge you were after..
david malcolmson
{K:4145} 12/19/2003
James, I've been here before, but it's a pleasure to see this classy image again. I want to thank you for your comment on my image 'Monk's Cell'. There was a wire grille on the door of the cell which diffused the light slightly when out of focus. You have a keen eye to notice the effect. The crookedness of the window was there on the negative and I decided to leave it as it was. Re ** I have said or done nothing to offend the individual concerned, in fact I have praised **'s work. It seems a case of taking up the cudgels on behalf of someone else. It really isn't **'s business.
Beth Lasoff
{K:539} 12/16/2003
Very captivating ... sensual and erotic. nice job!
Muhammad Reza, Kodok
{K:893} 12/16/2003
real dream mood.... I really love to see the mood in this photo. Congrats Reza
zosia zija
{K:11106} 12/15/2003
very fine!
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 12/15/2003
as a composition i also enjoyed a lot but maybe i d prefer more contrast and to have deeper shadows... bahadir
Val .
{K:4973} 12/15/2003
james mckenna
{K:6535} 12/14/2003
thank you all for your gracious comments. i truly hope to get to each person's portfolio to respond in kind, but i have gotten very busy and it will be several weeks. thank you all again. j
Ashok Chaudhary
{K:1728} 12/14/2003
I agree with the comments above . What strikes most is Tara's mesmerizing eyes - so magnetic, and her expression - relaxed and yet naughty.
Chris Bauer
{K:434} 12/14/2003
Ultra sexy and emotive....Super!!!! Regards...... Cxxxxxxx
Johnpaul Soto
{K:675} 12/14/2003
Great Capture!!!
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 12/14/2003
what a fantastic mood this photo sets!!!!
the crop is fine to me...i like the hand..i doubt much would beat jer expression..truly a fantastic capture that beats all time barriers... congrats
david malcolmson
{K:4145} 12/14/2003
Has her husband just appeared on the scene? There's a mixture of private eye divorce work and forties 'noir here'. I also agree with Mary Ball about the 'glam' look.It certainly looks seamy. One of the great merits of this shot is its ambiguity.I think the tonality could be improved, there's no true black and the mid-tones are muddy. Apart from that, a fascinating image.
Former Member
{K:1287} 12/14/2003
WOW! u have inspired me with this sensual photo! I love it!!! just like and old tcm movie!!
Peter Burda
{K:4807} 12/12/2003
very nice clasicc bw work, her expression is so peacefull !
james mckenna
{K:6535} 11/29/2003
reading this picture just by itself, not thinking of the models, it really looks to me like he feels it a lot more than she does. i think that's what makes it work for me: the imbalance of emotion and the pain that implies.
Manuela Filip
{K:1657} 11/29/2003
James, without any doubt that's a very powerful photo, Tara's eyes and look capture the entire image - she looks like defending her feelings...but I kind of changed my opinion - her feelings might not be for Jarred...the look is not addressed to him, and it's very provoking. I agree with your crop, though - as the viewer should stay focused on her eyes/look not at any other possible distracting elements in the pic.
james mckenna
{K:6535} 11/28/2003
thanks, silviu. i think i sent a few of the color ones to manuela. there is one other b/w, very similar to this one, that i'll post when i get a chance. time, time, time....
Silviu Voicila
{K:104} 11/28/2003
that being said now i'm very, very curious about the other frames you've shot.good job James.
james mckenna
{K:6535} 11/27/2003
thanks, all! yeah, mary's right, but this is right out of the camera, full frame: what is, is. i'm sure i was seeing the relationship between her eyes and his hands when i snapped it, and the elbow just lost out. this was actually part of a fashion shoot, so i was shooting a frame every few seconds, and composition was instinctive.
the gray tones are a result of underexposure. i was going to increase the contrast, but decided i preferred the intimacy of the soft, gray tones.
Silviu Voicila
{K:104} 11/27/2003
this low contrast preference seems unusual to me and makes the scene reveals his very intimate nature.so intimate that his shirt should be transparent :) mary bell has a point about the crop though.
{K:32791} 11/27/2003
I find this strange and compelling. His position and pose (perhaps something about his face) reminds me of early studio glam shots. Her direct gaze at the camera breaks the rules of that style of composition.
Because of the crop of the elbow which disturbs me, I want to suggest cropping in tighter. However, then we would miss his hands which I like quite well because they convey tenderness which is in juxtoposition with her seeming indifference to him.
There is a flatness to the light which saves this from looking too much like a glam shot and gives a certain grittiness to the image. All in all I like the light and the set-up of the models. However, I am not entirely sold on the crop but as I mentioned his hands seem important to me.
Sebastian Unterreitmeier
{K:35} 11/27/2003
wow, very intimate.
technically: personally i would prefer darker blacktones and a little more sharpness. maybe half a gradiation higher?
Vikas Dutt
{K:1255} 11/27/2003
Good toned shot... An impressive expression... regards.. Vikas
Charles Beck
{K:256} 11/26/2003
Great character study...she certainly convey "tude", haughtiness, and a bit of mystery. You captured so much of her energy that Jerred, though essential, almost becomes background instead of subject. I found this to be a fascinating shot...I hope to see more of your work