from a shoot in the style of mags like fader, flaunt, etc. comments about light are especially welcome, though i am not interested in avoiding 'blown out highlights.' specific suggestions for lighting gritty fashion photos are ideal. i am not interested in avoiding bad light; rather, i want to learn more about dramatic, even shocking light to create arresting photos.
nice! tara is fine. i think it desrserved extra light and burned out effect sice she is the story. perfect layering of light. fist thing is see is tara and thats what i want!
i think the light on tara is too strong and she gets washed out ilike the people in trh front though. great lighting there. I'm also thinking less light from what lights their back. maybe add a filter. OOHHH have you ever considered using filters onyour flash to give you colored light?? that could be the dramatic effect you've been looking for;)