Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 5/20/2004
amazing shadow play and geometry, hugo! Some desaturation would help IMHO. nice work anyway. cheers, thilo
mariah meneere
{K:643} 4/1/2004
So beautiful. The composition,light,lines are wonderful. Best regards Mariah
Zsolt Radákovits
{K:10376} 3/15/2004
Great abstract, Gooood Compositin.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 3/12/2004
Hallo my friend. Good this one. Good 'game' with the shadows and the lighting parts on the stairs that makes with the shadows of the columns nice shapes. I personaly believe that the lighting is the element that it can make a great photo!
Raamses Ortiz
{K:4408} 3/11/2004
Great shadoes lines. The lines are continious, but the steps break them given the oposite look. I like it. Well done Hugo.
Yoshi Enoki Jr
{K:3021} 3/10/2004
Sue me, huh? Huh? Huh? hehehehe good one, Hugo
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 3/10/2004
Special composition! Very well conceived and done. Regards, Hugo.
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 3/10/2004
love you take advantage of natural light..wonderful work
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 3/10/2004
Hi! Again, Hugo : Very Nice Photograph! Excellent Geometrical Compostion, well Presented, Hugo!!!
Regards: Jeff.
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 3/10/2004
I think the blue and gray tones lend a lot of character to the photo so I disagree with going for b/w. The composition is tops, my only nit would be the bright, bright upper left corner. At the top, however, it is very nice to see the shadows end - it gives them definition as I see it.
João Martins
{K:2754} 3/10/2004
Your portfolio is like a bible. These last triptych are powerfull! Great composition of lines and curves.
神 風
{K:10665} 3/10/2004
To: Mary Bell
'Bombarded' ... No!
'Potential' ... Yes!
{K:32791} 3/10/2004
Now that you've been bombarded with loads of technical suggestions and ideas - let me tell you why I like this one...the shadows assume the shapes of gothic stained glass windows and the potential in that is extremely appealing to me...
Jeroen Wenting
{K:25317} 3/10/2004
Good play of lines, but looks ever so slightly overexposed (especially the column on the left). Maybe a third stop less exposure would have prevented it from blowing out like it is just starting to do.
神 風
{K:10665} 3/10/2004
My square format Black & White crop was immediately and without hesitation the centralized base and concentrated focal point of your entire image which as presented by you 'Photo-Journalistic Geometry' showing cracks and ruins which is quite fine btw.
My apologies also for leaving out the initials 'HdW' in the lower lefthand corner and the serial count of 1/100 in the lower righthand corner.
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 3/10/2004
Wonderful shadows and curves. Fantastic light. Excellent composition! Carolyn
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 3/10/2004
By the way, thanks for you comments - I don't think they are too critical, on the contrary, I appreciate receiving honest critique! Personally I also believe the images you mentioned are better but unfortunately they do not match the subject of the exhibition :( Anyway, let's wait for what my fellow students have to say tomorrow night...
神 風
{K:10665} 3/10/2004
There are times indeed when we know we have captured an image of some great value whether within our own hearts or in the minds of others ... but of course the Artist must shoot first and foremost to please his own visual senses and then everything becomes one with his/her piece of work.
You have a very good eye for sure and what amazes me about some of your images though is that I don't believe you really know what you have a times especially pertaining to the 'Presentation Factor' whether cropping or framing and especially because a shot such as this one in particluar is once again very 'versatile' for finalization.
I offer the following remake to present as a Fine Gallery product.
Thanks for sharing and Best of Regards!

Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 3/10/2004
You said you adjusted the tones, I guess you darked the image? In this case I understand, because the other two images in the series are still darker than this one... In the series, I like this image best for its composition, it is a bit more complex than the first two. (The second one comes close, though, because the exposure is better in that image). I agree that you may crop a part from the top, but when you do that, I think you should also crop a little bit from the left and the right, to keep it to the same proportions as the other two images. All in all, an interesting, well composed series!
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 3/10/2004
Hugo! How nice to see your photo on the 'front page'! CONGRATULATIONS...and spectacular work, I might add. Very nice lines/curves, composition, contrasts, on this photograph! You've managed once again to make the ordinary extraordinary! GOOD EYE!
Lori ;)
Thamer Al-Tassan
{K:1358} 3/10/2004
Beautiful series Hugo! I really love how the shadows are an important element in the photos, they make them unique.
Ursula I Abresch
{K:6515} 3/10/2004
Beautiful play of light and shadow, very nice!
jon parsons
{K:13639} 3/10/2004
Hugo, beautiful curves and shadows in this magnificent presentation my dear friend! wonderful work....jon
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 3/10/2004
about your own comment, how much would you like to crop? if you take too much away the right top part would be too dark for me...
but concerning the tritych it completes a very good serie...
should it be in b&w, in my opinion -> NO, it lives from the soft colours
Cheers, Verena
{K:30945} 3/10/2004
NIce shadows against lines dear Hugo Kiss, Biliana
Tommaso Razzano
{K:8073} 3/10/2004
Dear friend ... I'm happy to see this P.O.D. for you... an hug ! Tommy.
{K:5884} 3/10/2004
Excellent game of lights and shadows. Very good. Bye.
Francesca May
{K:6877} 3/10/2004
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 3/10/2004
Hi Hugo' After seeing this and the other two photos of your series "Shadows and Geometry" I can only conclude that this kind of work is very appealing to me. I agree, the atmosphere in the second submission is different from what it might have been if you had included a person in it but I think you did just right not to. The name you gave to the series doesn't suggest any expectation of whatever atmosphere or the kind of emotional appeal given by someone's presence. Moreover, although you submitted the three images for the project "Magic Light" and under architecture, which is definitely the perfect choice, I cannot help seeing in them a touch of nature abstractism, hence the lack of a "living element" and the emotional appeal associated with it is well justified. In expressing this, I do not mean to say that abstract work is not emotionally appealing, cause I know that to me and to many others who love it , it generally is. As for this image, I can only add that I like it but that I would have rather seen the object/shadows more marked and the coloumn on the top left somewhat darker. I can imagine that the light was pretty strong that day therefore it must not have been an easy capture. Besides...it is your photo and I respect your decision to stay as close as possible to the original scan. By the way, my comment on this one is not cause I like it more than the others in the series but only cause it is the last one you posted. My favourite is "Shadows and Geometry I", for various reasons which I cannot mention now cause of lack of time. This one here is my second favourite, and your second submission is obviously my number three. To me, the whole series is a wonderful display of geometry, and a superb realisation of your project. Fascinating work! Best regards - Emgy
Derek Dixon
{K:4948} 3/10/2004
very nice curves and shadows in this series Hugo.
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 3/10/2004
Hugo I tried to give a clear comment to your composition but I think it would be better if I could use image to explain my point of view. I applied "Eric Godwasser template" and it works very well!!! I hope you will appreciate it.

Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 3/10/2004
Hello Hugo, nice to see one of your photos adorning the front page. Very nice work in a difficult contrast situation. I find the shadows a little blue, but thats just my opinion and maybe the original scan looks like that. Wish you lots of sucess with this photo. All good things from your friend in Switzerland, Neil
Peter Domotor
{K:1854} 3/10/2004
Hi Hugo,
It's a perfect shot, don't worry abt. the cropping, I've done it for myself, but it's not changes the final result at all, even the ballance of the composition better with it. Sometimes thinking after is not really profitable, when you've decided to crop this frame in a viewfinder, I'm sure you've checked also without top line, but finally decided to take this shot. So, don't crop it! :))
regards durmi
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/10/2004
another perfect geometric shot... amazing! i used a film fuji... forever.. have a magic colors.. natural and fanstic sharpnesss in light and shadows! but NPH400 is magnific! cheers.. roby 7+
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 3/10/2004
Hei Ugo dinuovo un grande occhio!!!hai giocato con la luce e con le curve bello l'effetto grafico..meritata presenza in comunity!!bravo!!! Gino
Bjorn Beheydt
{K:12096} 3/10/2004
You have a very very good eye Hugo, this is one strong image, and after reading your first comment (about the cropping), I agree that it would be even stronger then.
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 3/10/2004
great composition, regards JAni
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 3/10/2004
I agree that it would be stronger by cropping the top white area. This is just great the way the shadows cross the stair lines. I think a straight b+w would be even better.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 3/10/2004
I specially like the lines... Great! /Jeanette
Gerhard Hoogterp
{K:4863} 3/10/2004
Weer een hele fraaie. Bravo..
Mauro Machado
{K:1159} 3/10/2004
If I were a photo teacher I would say: "First learn to see. Everybody look at an object but only a few really see the object, the essence of the object." Well Hugo, you know how to see. Congrats for this beautiful photo.
Harald Felgentreu
{K:2096} 3/10/2004
great composition and lines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-regards harald
Craig Hanson
{K:7836} 3/10/2004
Suitably poetical image; solid as the steps themselves!
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 3/10/2004
Yes , Hugo to me two things at least ,should be done ,strong light casting deep (to the middle left) reduce so that the column figure up, the other one is the warm details of the floor should have less shadow,, by adjusting it( angle or !!crop!!), saying that small touch this another great illuminating domesticity geo,,Thanks for showing it
Paolo Grusovin
{K:3344} 3/10/2004
Great lines and shadows! Bye
Alan Armanini
{K:5407} 3/10/2004
Wonderful Shot, love the Shadows. I'm amazed how you can capture somthing as simple as shadows on stairs, and make it into a work of art. Beautiful Work!!!
pippo giuseppe
{K:16421} 3/10/2004
Excellent composition!!Splendid light!!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 3/10/2004
'...this one is completely drowned in the flood, who has no movement inside, but whose movement is the moving of the tide' (not hafez, but jalaluddin rumi)
Dorine Post
{K:1133} 3/10/2004
Very good compostion Hugo! a wonderful combination of light, shadows and curves. Great Photo!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 3/10/2004
Noticed I shoul've cropped a bit off the top..... (