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Cropper's Inspiration 2
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Image Title:  Cropper's Inspiration 2
Favorites: 0 
 By: Daithí O' Donoghue  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Daithí O' Donoghue {Karma:838}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon N8008s
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Sigma 24 mm wideangle
Uploaded 5/7/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Superia
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 365 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 4 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Ireland   Ireland
About Another photo I wouldn't have added but for another contributor's photos being pretty good in my opinion. This was originally shot in colour but desaturated in photoshop. No more work done on it than that, but looking at it on the web now it seems probably a bit bright and the sky is burnt out. Maybe I should have used channels or something??? Any ideas anyone.

Anyway, these are derelict houses in the Georgian part of the city centre, Right around the corner of the house I was leaning against are some of the most opulent houses you're likely to see in Ireland's cities outside of Dublin. VISIT LIMERICK PEOPLE IT'S NOT BAD!!!
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There are 4 Comments in 1 Pages
Daithí O' Donoghue   {K:838} 5/8/2004
Hi Matej,

Limerick has a reputation in Ireland which I won't really go into, so they might thank me for trying to urge people to visit the area!!! (wait they might charge me for photographing their city so I'll say nothing!)

AS for the photo, yes it was a really bright day with very strong, harsh light at the time I took the photo. Maybe a gloomy day might be better for the photo so I'll consider it for future attempts:- the building's not going anywhere soon!!

As for B&W from colour I've only recently discovered the "Channel mixer" and have yet to use it, but will definitely try it out, so thanks for the suggestion there.

If you want good control when converting colour to bw in Photoshop, then the Channel Mixer is probably the best tool.

And finally the composition would have been improved if I had noticed the things you noticed, - especially the window on the upper right corner!

So thanks again and slán anois,



Matej Maceas Matej Maceas   {K:24381} 5/8/2004
Hmmm, I wonder how Limerick's tourism bureau would react if they saw the slogan 'Visit Limerick people it's not bad!!!' accompanied by this photo ;-))))

Anyway, I like photos of derelict buildings and similar 'ugly' things. Here though I suspect that a gloomy, overcast day would have been better for this particular subject and angle of view. There doesn't seem to be a lot of shadow-producing elements that would guarantee interesting light plays, so going for (dark) mood instead might be a worthwhile alternative.

On my monitor, the texture in the windows looks fine, and the sky still holds some details, so overall I'd say the tonality in the highlights is quite acceptable. There are a few shadow areas that seem too heavy. But all of this is hard to judge properly because it's so very monitor-dependent.

If you want good control when converting colour to bw in Photoshop, then the Channel Mixer is probably the best tool.

The composition could be helped by a few tiny adjustments - crop the upper right corner of the near window more decisively, or include it fully; and the streetlamp on the left shouldn't be cropped off like that in my opinion.


Daithí O' Donoghue   {K:838} 5/7/2004
Hi Bren,

thanks for that. I have plenty more as I seem to shoot film like it grows on trees and is free!!



bren sheehan   {K:1359} 5/7/2004
I like it Daithí, just the way it is. It has a nice jounalistic or documentary feel. Just the right amount of contrast and great front to back Depth of Field. I would like to see more if you have them. Keep Shooting




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