Michael Alexander
{K:5293} 10/13/2004
Here?s what the same shot looked like in color, this explains the absence of texture in that wall.

Robert Ambrosio
{K:-189} 10/12/2004
To tell you the truth, I like the wall in the foreground. Without it you would have total darkness surrounding the lighthouse. The wall is an added dimension. It works!
Howard M. Parsons
{K:3496} 10/12/2004
Don't dump your lighthouses! They are one of my major photographic interests, and of a lot of others also. I agree with Jim C's comments above, generally.
You are a better photographer than you think you are!
Omar Rifaat
{K:10141} 10/9/2004
I think its got a lot going for it. I agree with the suggestions to experiment with cropping the wall (a little) and also to leave a little more headroom around the top of the lighthouse which I find a little claustrophobic. But I do find the image very interesting and it has great light aspects. Omar
Joao Vasconcelos
{K:2163} 10/8/2004
I like lighthouses and i like this photo. As a suggestion i would try to darken the wall in the left to enhance the importance of the lighthouse. Regards
Michael Alexander
{K:5293} 10/8/2004
What I originally wanted with this shot is to bisect the roof of the lighthouse with the foreground wall, but I didn?t quite get that either. If I had this to do again, I would have backed up quite a way?s and zoomed in as well as moving slightly to the right to balance things out a bit. I?m going to post some more lighthouse pictures so I can get some feedback on them, I would love if you could comment on those too when you get a chance. Thanks again for the critique. ~Mike
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 10/8/2004
A little less of the white wall on the left to balance out with the nice dark sky would do it. And perhaps more above the top of the lighthouse. But really, as it is, it's fine, a keeper if you ask me.
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 10/8/2004
Michael Looking at it again, maybe you could have moved a bit to the right including a little more of the lighthouse and a bit less of the wall. If you crop, it changes perspective. I think the move would be better jimc
Michael Alexander
{K:5293} 10/8/2004
Thank you so much! I love to read comments and suggestions like that, now that I look at it, I could get rid of more of the foreground / left side. I?m still trying to learn this whole photography thing and it?s awesome when people can give me their true opinions and suggestions. ~Mike
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 10/8/2004
Hardly is it junk. I love light houses and this one os great. If I was to nit pivk I might say to crop a bit more of the left side out . But thats just my old worn out eyes. I like it !! I must look at your others jimc