Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/10/2005
so delicate so jewel.. roby
Mitchell Hugo
{K:-36} 1/31/2005
Gee you do lovely work Jennifer, another success.
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 1/31/2005
hi bryan - ya, i must admit i haven't thought too much about the world of film the last few years, other than shooting tcn for weddings, which i just do out of satisfied habit, now. I haven't even heard of fuji acros! & i haven't done my own developing for years - everything i shoot goes directly to the lab. The one thing i do really like about that is NO chemicals! i don't miss them one bit. And after years of parenting, i'm used to surrendering!! lol. I'll be curious to hear what you think of the tcn.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 1/31/2005
hmm the foreshortening caused by the angle of viewpoint..isnt all that flattering
Omar Rifaat
{K:10141} 1/30/2005
Great composition and feeling. I'm experimenting these days with TCN for the first time, and will post some if any turn out well. I'll also try the other suggestions in the comments here too! regards, Omar
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 1/30/2005
This is just plain beautiful. Period.
Tara Gullett
{K:1678} 1/30/2005
I like the softness of the pearls and the skin... great job. Tara
Vikas Dutt
{K:1255} 1/30/2005
gREAT shot
Dan Scenna
{K:1661} 1/30/2005
I have no idea how I missed this. Absolutely Lovely.
Lida Chaulet
{K:3430} 1/30/2005
Beautiful work... superb pose and expression and the bw is perfect!
Jorg Reif
{K:16020} 1/30/2005
Sorry for the missing "n"! Jorg
Jorg Reif
{K:16020} 1/30/2005
Perfect composition here, Jenifer, b&w fits the pearls and the whole atosphere of the photo, nicely. Like the shimmer on the pearls. Another great shot. I sdmire your versatility. Best regards Jörg
Kevin Green
{K:117} 1/30/2005
I like your shadows and your lighting .... gooooood !
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/30/2005
I like the crop here and the composition as well. Good work Jennifer.
Renato Renato
{K:4759} 1/30/2005
ciao Jennifer,great compose end tones,very nice portrait. Renato
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 1/30/2005
Jenifer, when i shoot film, which is rare now...lol ummm i actually perfer Fuji Acros processed with Rodinal developer, i almost always over develop by 10% and this has created fantastic results for me, though i have a horrible scanner so i cannot show that... i havent ever used TCN though, i have heard good things about it... bryan
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 1/30/2005
hi bryan - thanks! ya, i agree that ilford delta is an amazing film. I used to shoot all my b&w in it & i've not ever found a b&w film i prefer. However, i now shoot mostly kodac tcn (which isn't nearly as rich, i don't think) as it gives clients the choice of having their photos printed sepia-toned instead of regular b&w. So, it's good for work because of that. But it's been fun looking at some old photos & scanning them onto my computer. Thanks, again - jennifer
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 1/30/2005
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 1/30/2005
tremendous expression, i love Ilford Delta 100, great job...