jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 9/3/2004
thanks so much for your support, Carlheinz. I am really taken with so much of your work & the mood you create with the way you shoot & print & that's so much of what i'm at least striving to create myself. I think i'm drawn to shooting flowers in much the same way that i am to nudes - for the shapes & form found there as well as the natural beauty of those subjects, & not necessarily in the traditional view of beauty. This site has certainly given me more confidence to keep on creating along these lines & see what i discover on the journey. Thank you again.
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 9/2/2004
There are not many flower shoots I do like. This one is fantastic and soft with a great mood. C.
{K:3516} 8/30/2004
Excellent hint at mood - I very much like this.
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 8/30/2004
Leonard, thanks so much for all your support. I'm really drawn to these kinds of images - trying to create a mood for the piece rather than have it be all about subject. I'm so glad to get some positive feedback about it because i have no idea how anyone else may respond to this type of shooting. I see you've just started submitting photos - i really like the strong sense of perspective you capture within the seeming simplicity of your shots. I'm looking forward to seeing you post more work! :O)
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 8/30/2004
Beautiful! Eerie! Abstract!
cessy karina
{K:14205} 8/30/2004
subtle beauty, nice
John Strazza
{K:11535} 8/30/2004
exceptional ... again a clear vision from your inner vision ... i feel in touch with it so easily ...
M. Leminski
{K:1029} 8/30/2004
Excellent!!! (again) Congrats
. .
{K:57} 8/30/2004
I'm also honest when i say that image is masterART, congrats