Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 3/17/2005
Luis. great shot. congratulations for award Romy
Luis Alvarez
{K:2038} 3/15/2005
Hi Shelly, the image was retouched using photoshop. The original image is sharper but I wanted to give it a certain dreamlike effect. Thats why you might feel that the DOF is wrong. In fact the general soft blur is intentional.
Best regards, Luis
Shelly N Alexander
{K:1451} 3/13/2005
I love the image and the poses but the DF is all wrong. Lock the focus on her eyes (the eyes will always tell the story or connect with the viewer) and then move the camera in to place. It's an old photographer trick that I picked up. May help. Other than that, great color tones and nice cropping. Well done I must say.
Daniel Walker
{K:1699} 3/13/2005
A very nice photo Luis. I too would have liked to seen you not cut her arms out of the picture. What I do like is the way she is holding her head and the face a bit of hair is covering her eye...adds an air of the mystery that is in every woman.
chantal heijnen
{K:979} 3/13/2005
Hi Luis, It's just perfect! Chantal
Takeshi Kaga
{K:522} 3/13/2005
very natural lights. i like it very much!
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 3/12/2005
I do agree with Karens critique here. The Diagonal Line here is used very wisely making it an untraditional cropping but very pleasant to the eye for viewing. It is actually quite brillian. Only thing bugging is it seem a tad softOn her eyes..I would suggest a little unsharp masking in that area only.. Otherwise its a very artist pose and honest expression.. Carol
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/12/2005
i like it.. just a suggestion of karen, but for me is also a so incredible effect - composition! i love the highkey, the strong light! is an unusal pose and cutting, but always a big portrait! my best congrats.. also for the Mainpage roby
Tarek Al Kaaki
{K:2181} 3/12/2005
Fantastisch foto. Stunning natural ouch portrait. Best wihes Tarek.
Luis Alvarez
{K:2038} 3/11/2005
Dear Karen, I am very flattered by your kind words. They provide invaluable feedback and motivate me a lot. Especially coming from such an experienced photographer as you.
You have spotted my intentions well. The simple colors with the blue touch, the strong contrasts and the diagonal pose. Indeed cropping the arm can be a contentious issue. I was concentrated on the overall photo and overlooked this important aspect. But I agree with you, I believe it works well and is not disturbing when one looks at the picture.
Thanks again for your kind remarks Best regards. Luis
karen clarke
{K:18893} 3/11/2005
In viewing your portfolio I have realized that you have a strong point when it comes to composition. Each photograph seems to be very well balanced. Such as with this one you can see the invisible yet perfect diagonal line. Now normally for something like this, most would crop down just above or on the upper part of the head. You have left some space, but it seems to work well for you. The white sofa showing on the bottom right hand corner is rather bright(and also the skin on the breast area and lower neck), but you have pulled it off nicely because of the great amount of contrast it has against the black shirt. And of course everyone knows it's such a big "no-no" to crop out parts of arms and hands...blah blah blah...but it works for your composition. A very natural looking expression, nothing forced, so I can tell that the model has a good relationship with you. What I especially love is that the photograph is pretty much devoid of color with white sofa and black shirt-but on the lower left you get hit by a bit of blue-but its not overpowering at all. Anyhow, a really nice portrait, you have a great eye for composition and details. Keep up the great work~
Jesper Okkels
{K:131} 2/9/2005
Very nice girl and a very fine shot!
Rodotheos Dovilus
{K:1582} 2/3/2005
Marta, you really enjoy it ah?
Kirk Teetzel
{K:427} 1/31/2005
Very rarely do I notice a good PS touchup, but you did a fantastic job on a great portrait. Wonderful work.
Michal P.
{K:604} 1/30/2005
nice con.
Francesco Claudio Cipolletta
{K:2641} 1/30/2005
A beautiful soft and natural portrait. Maybe the crop can be better.
Luis Alvarez
{K:2038} 1/30/2005
Thank you Dan for your comments. You're right... I guess the cropping is not very sensitive... :-s
Dan Scenna
{K:1661} 1/30/2005
The lighting here is soft, flattering and well chosen. I disagree with your cropping here. You've chopped off both arms, but the one that really bothers me is her left.
Luis Alvarez
{K:2038} 1/30/2005
Thanks Andrew for your insight. You are right, I should have shown more of her arm. And indeed I also agree with you that she is a bit too much to the right. The reason why she is near the edge is because I wanted to get as much sunlight as possible. In my quest for a good technical photo, I left aside the artistic and compositional side. Thanks for your tips, I will be more aware in the future.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 1/30/2005
Muy lindo retrato Luis. Un abrazo!
Andrew O'Rourke
{K:1602} 1/30/2005
It's a good model in a great pose, I would prefer to see more of the arm, her faces feels like it's too close to the edge. Depending on what is out to thr right it might feel better in more of a landscape format, that would let us know what she is turned towards.