Old starting gate I found on a farm where they used to train race horses in the winter.
I had light coming from the front and, consequently, got some pretty bad lense flare that I had to crop out. I'll go back on another day when the sun is behind me and see if things get better. This is a desaturation of the digital image.
This is really cool... You almost get a horizontal wide-angle feel to it even though I know the lens and it isn't wide angle at all... Very interesting and very well done! The light isn't that bad, but as you said, you got a flare and it seemed problematic. And as someone else mentioned, the old time feeling to this is very unique. Very good job on this photo... actually, excellent job on this photo!
I like the old time feel, and the crop gives a low, cramped sense, that I think is consistent with a how a race horse probably feels in the gate. Good work.