Raf D
{K:9223} 3/28/2005
Brilliant composition! The misty landscape in itself is well captured and it's very appealing. Your eye for the red object is excellent, it breaks the monochrome landscape, it sort of dresses it up! Nice work! -- Kind regards, Rafael
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/20/2005
so magnific atmosphere.. roby
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 2/7/2005
great mood here, Dave. Sunshine is not always needed! (I would like to have some mist around here, do you have some spare mist? ;)
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 2/6/2005
Agree with Margareth and Stephen about the left subject,anyhow really interesting picture!!!!
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 2/6/2005
Well done dave !! the photo has a spooky feel to it !! congrats .. mark .
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 2/6/2005
Wonderful such an excellent composition, The mist is eerie you even seem to have captured the reflection of the mist , the red 'urn' makes it stunning. I agree with Stephen, if you clone out/crop off the bit at the bottom left it will make it even more superb. I really love images that sort of lack colour - but are so vibrant Margaret
dave green
{K:2396} 2/6/2005
Didn't even spot that! Will have to remove that thanks for your comments.
Stephen Morgan
{K:585} 2/6/2005
You achieved a nice seperation between the red object and the misty bridge. The only distracting thing is the end of something poking up in the bottom-left part of the picture. A nice photo in any case.