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Jasmine flower and Indian saree
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Image Title:  Jasmine flower and Indian saree
Favorites: 2 
 By: Bhaskar A. V.  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Bhaskar A. V. {Karma:1246}
Project #16 Poetry in Pictures Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Flowers
Lens Nikon  80-200mm f/2.8D ED AF
Uploaded 3/2/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital 6.1 MP
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 6665 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 21 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City -  Chennai
State - 
Country - India   India
About Traditional South Indian dress and everloving Jasmine flower.
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There are 21 Comments in 1 Pages
Mihir Shah   {K:837} 4/7/2005
hi bhaskar, what a great shot, well others have already praised this picture, there is nothing more to add. i think it is one of your best here. my compliments.


Larry Monserate Piojo Larry Monserate Piojo   {K:10780} 3/14/2005
Hi Senthil,
Thank you so much for your suggestion. Im excited to check it out! Now, I hope I'll be able to understand the basics. :) And of course thanks to you bhaskar!!! :)



siddhardha garige   {K:1746} 3/11/2005
some reason link is not visible
another try¤t=IMG_3312copy.jpg


siddhardha garige   {K:1746} 3/11/2005
nice work... You should see this one... followed your guide lines... thanks . My first portrait shot..¤t=IMG_3312copy.jpg


siddhardha garige   {K:1746} 3/11/2005
nice work... You should see this one... followed your guide lines... thanks . My first portrait shot..


Bhaskar A. V.   {K:1246} 3/10/2005
Thanks Vinay for your nice words.


Vinay Raj Vinay Raj   {K:5537} 3/9/2005
Wow Bhaskar
It is a fantastic picture. Everything has fallen perfectly for this one image. The background, the colours and everything. Nicely taken. Congrats.


Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 3/5/2005
This is such those captures that share most simplicity with viewers. it is realy hard to reach Simplicity in art.

i beleive that just high talented artists can reach to this valuable goal!

Simplicity in form & simplicity in expression. it helps that can find better and easier feeling against the crop.

This is such a splendid rare moment you have captured as a nice portrait. i think words can't describe this deep emotive shot and this real smile. i like to look at it for several minutes. it is peaceful, calm & lovely.

Technically: Minimal DOF ( in open f-stop used ) enhance the visual quality of the picture.

natural background is helpful for the feeling.

composition is carefully by the classic rules ( looking side, headroom &...)

direct looking to the camera enhanced it's intimate feel. the curve of blossoms is a very good element for making rhythm in thie composition.

the white blossoms are like her innocence. congratulation BHASKAR!


Samuel Downs   {K:7290} 3/4/2005
Bhaskar, You have a wonderful portrait here. I am impressed with the background treatment as well as the sharpness and tones of the photo. Very well done. Cheers! Sam


Larry Monserate Piojo Larry Monserate Piojo   {K:10780} 3/3/2005
Wow! Thanks Bhaskar! I will keep that in mind! thanks a lot!!!


James Philip Pegg James Philip Pegg   {K:10138} 3/2/2005
Very beautiful portrait..


Senthil Kumar   {K:1648} 3/2/2005
Hi Larry,

Try this link for a simulation of how f-stops change DOF (Depth of Field). And, like Bhaskar mentioned the distances between the camera and the subject (the closer it is the shallower DOF) and the subject and the background (the farther it is the shallower the DOF) also matter. Hope this gives you some idea.

This is a wonderful portrait picture. Very well done!!



Bhaskar A. V.   {K:1246} 3/2/2005
Thanks Leoro for your comments.


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 3/2/2005
Beautiful portrait and subject - love the lightina and shallow DOF for dreamy background.

I see skill and enthusiasm here. Cheers, Lee


Bhaskar A. V.   {K:1246} 3/2/2005
Larry I think what is most important while taking pictures is the third eye to see differently and compose the picture. You have the third eye the proof is your collection of pictures diplayed in your porfolio. It is just a question of time you will understand the technical aspects of F4 or 1/125 etc. but you have the most difficult aspect born within you "the third eye". You should feel proud. I will do justice by checking all your pictures soon. Happy clicking.


Larry Monserate Piojo Larry Monserate Piojo   {K:10780} 3/2/2005
Very well explained Bhaskar. :) Thanks for the time. It's just that Im new to this world of photography. And i havent even studied any about it. So all that stuff you mentioned, the focal length, the numbers, the F4 etc... im not really familiar with these... but i understand what you mean. It's just that i don't have the right camera yet to study with. :)

Anyway, thanks again Bhaskar! Appreciate it so much!



Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 3/2/2005
She is so beautiful and great colors you managed to present with such a joyful smile in this portrait. Great job indeed! Cheers.


Bhaskar A. V.   {K:1246} 3/2/2005
Thanks Larry for your comments. To your question " how to make background blur like this". I used a long focal length ie. I used 80-200 lens and clicked the picture at 200 mm. Secon reason the aperture should be shallow around F4.0 to F5.6. Ofcourse the background should be little away in this case it was about 20 feet away. Hope I have answered your question. with a normal lens this is not possible. Have a great time clicking. A V Bhaskar-India


Larry Monserate Piojo Larry Monserate Piojo   {K:10780} 3/2/2005
This is a wonderful portrait Bhaskar. I wonder how do u make the background blur while the subject sharp? Does it has something to do with the lens? Im using a simple camera and i havent tried this one yet. :)


Marta Azevedo   {K:4237} 3/2/2005


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 3/2/2005
For some reason, the portrait of this young woman just leapt off the page for me. The combination of the traditional dress plus her engaging smile work together beautifully. I like the way you used DOF to isolate the subject. Her direct gaze is just captivating.

There is something both exotic and serene about this model. Lovely!




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