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March 18, 2005
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Image Title:  March 18, 2005
Favorites: 2 
 By: Mary Brown  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Mary Brown {Karma:71879}
Project #19 Above Your Head Camera Model Kodak DX7440
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Telescope Moon
All Images
Lens digital camera
Uploaded 3/23/2005 Film / Memory Type ISO 140 Natural Light
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1670 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 76 Rating
/ 27 Ratings
Location City - 
State -  ONTARIO
Country - Canada   Canada
About Another picture taken through the eyepiece of my telescope. The circle on the left shows Crater Manilius.
Dimensions: 39 x 39 km/ 24 x 24 miles
Height: 3100km/9400 ft
Age: from 1 to 3 billion years old
The circle to the right shows the section of the Sea of Tranquillity where Apollo 11 landed.
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There are 76 Comments in 1 Pages
Aylin ATASAGUN Aylin ATASAGUN   {K:13273} 5/28/2009
Amazing capture...


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 10/17/2007
wonderful shot. 7++++++++++++++


reza goudarzi reza goudarzi   {K:7097} 7/18/2007
wow! u did capture it too? i like this one..with best view...good capture again dear mary...+7


Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Ismail   {K:19853} 6/27/2007
The information is so interesting. Billions of years old!! A very beautiful moon shot, well detailed!
Regards, Ahmed


Elias Monges Elias Monges   {K:6238} 6/20/2007
Thank you Mary....I went in the link you gave me...all this amazing...I'm shure pretty soon I'm going get a telescope


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/19/2007
Hi Elias. The telescope I used for this is an 8 inch reflector on a Dobsonian mount. You can see a picture of whatr it looks like at


Elias Monges Elias Monges   {K:6238} 6/17/2007
Mary..exelent work like always...what kind of telescope did you use...Elias Monges


Elias Monges Elias Monges   {K:6238} 6/17/2007
Mary..exelent work like always...what kind of telescope did you use...Elias Monges


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 11/2/2006
Thanks Mary and not at all too much info... I've been debating on whether to buy a telescope since moving out to the desert but I have no clue where to begin (other than at a store). And in considering that, I was wondering what it takes to shoot pictures with one.

Best wishes,


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 11/1/2006
Hi Dave. There are a number of ways to take photos using a telescope. This method, with my digital camera, is called afocal--taking the image through the eyepiece. For this, I held my camera to the eyepiece, tried to get the best focus by changing the zoom a little, and clicked. To be honest, I took quite a number of images--lots of them blurry, lots of them off center (this one has the corner cut off)--as it is hard to hold the camera still and just right so the light path from the eyepiece lines up with the camera properly. An empty toilet paper roll cut shorter can help with that and also keeps out stray light. Putting the camera on a tripod helps, too. But holding your mouth just the right way and patience seem to be the key.
Then I bought a universal digital camera attachment. It adjusts to hold most any camera model close to the eyepiece. I found that it added just enough extra weight to my setup to disturb the balance. Now, I have what's called a Digi-t system from Scopetronix. It is especially designed for my camera model with a step ring and attaches directly to certain eyepieces. A couple of the guys in my astronomy group swear by it. I obviously need more practice. For a few things I have tried, the focus was not what I wanted. So, for some Moon shots I took a while ago, I went back to holding my camera to the eyepiece. But, I will get it to work--I'll just have to try different eyepieces and focusing. That was all with my 8 inch scope.
One of my recent posts 'You Are My Sunshine' was taken with the Digi-t system and my new to me 90 mm scope and it seemed to work fine.
This is probably a whole lot more than you wanted to know. Hope it helps. Or, if I didn't explain something you wanted, let me know.


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 11/1/2006
Very cool, with a good point toward the landmarks. So, in this type of photography, does the camera just mount directly to your telescope?

Best wishes,


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 4/14/2006
Great moon picture you sent, Roberto. Thanks.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/13/2006
ops Mary.. sorry for my insistent write.. but UF called me an error..



hapy Easter


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/13/2006
for Rich. avery power of contrast in your full moon


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/13/2006
for Rich. avery power of contrast in your full moon


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/13/2006
for Rich. avery power of contrast in your full moon


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/13/2006
and is a nother field that i love.. here my gift for you.. is wonderful moon portrait!!!!



Larissa Nazarova Larissa Nazarova   {K:12118} 1/29/2006
Wow! It's amazing shot! Thank you very much for sharing and interesting explanation.


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 12/6/2005
Hi Paul. I'm glad you like my Moon. Just for fun, you can see one of my full Moon that Antonia asked to use in a couple of Hallowe'en pictures.
The answer to both your questions is 'yes'. I do have a SteadyPix to attach a digital camera to an eyepiece. However, I never quite got the knack of it. It seemed combersome and not so 'steady'. So, I did hold my camera to the eyepiece myself. My hands aren't that steady, so to get one good shot, I have a number of blurry ones. However, one thing to do is to make sure that the camera lens is as close to the glass of the EP as possible, so EP's with receded glass don't work so well for this. ALso, set the optical zoom of the camera before trying to get the shot. Then, It takes a bit of holding one's mouth this way and head that way to line up the light image. Thanks for commenting on this. It reminds me that I enjoyed trying this and it has been way to long since I've had a chance to get out with my scope. I'll have to try to get out again soon. It is a very enjoyable hobby.


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 12/6/2005
Awsome image of the moon! wow The best Ive seen on usefilm to date!
Mary are you just shooting right through the eye piece or do you have something to couple the camera to the telescope?



Mary Brown   {K:71879} 7/6/2005
Thanks so much, Greg.


greg goodwin greg goodwin   {K:7089} 7/5/2005
wonderful image.. the moon is always cooler to look at when shadow on it.. great work 10/10


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/12/2005
Gary, I am pleased that you like my picture. Why don't you send me an email, give me your email address, if you are comfortable with that and I'll explain what I did and answer what questions I can.
In the subject line please put somethng like Gary from UF so I recognize it as not junk mail.


Gary Marx   {K:716} 6/12/2005
Wonderful shot! I give it a 7 out of 7! I have a telescope this is pretty decent and would like to take some pictures of the moon, any pointers? Do you just hold the camera up to the eyepiece, or do you have attachments that you use?


mustafa Karaçelebi   {K:1139} 5/22/2005
nice shot.It looks fantastik. Thanks


Franz Thoma   {K:3365} 5/21/2005
I'm stunned even baffled!
Reaching out my hand - and touch the moon!
Great picture.
Kind regards


Ryan Greene   {K:3297} 5/12/2005
I like the composition on this one. The moon has always been one of my favorite things to look at through a telescope, you never run out of things to see on it's surface. Great work!


So Cal Photograhper   {K:18529} 5/8/2005
WOW! I love this moon shot. You must know alot about astronomy - thank you for pointing out Crater Manilius and the Sea of Tranquility. I see I will eventually have to get a telescope and try this out for myself. Great capture!


Ashley Brooke Ashley Brooke   {K:109} 5/5/2005
That is amazing! I love everything about this..the composition..the detail! I have never seen anything like it! Wonderful!


Etiene and Augusto    {K:322} 5/2/2005
Waw! Suberb!


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 5/1/2005
Beautiful details, Mary. Very interesting info in the "about".


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 4/19/2005
Eric, your question is a common one. We get it often when our group does public viewing sessions. There is no Earth based telescope, amateur or professional powerful enough to show items left from the Lunar missions. The Moon is approx. 400,000 km away. The crater I circled has a diameter or 39 km. Lunar left behinds are measured in meters. We can't view them from here. But, wouldn't it be an amazing site if we could?!


z z   {K:7231} 4/18/2005
What a beautiful image! Reminds one how small they are in such a vast universe!


Eric Simpson   {K:2348} 4/18/2005
Not only a great picture, but one heck of an education! How big of a telescope would you need to see more detail of the Sea of Tranquility? Not to be too over the top, but to see stuff left on the surface by the moon missions?


George Campos Azevedo   {K:44} 4/18/2005
Wonderful your photos of moon. Great details. Thanks for your comments.


Mark Evans Mark Evans   {K:17428} 4/14/2005
WOW !! AMAZING !!!!! well done mary and thanks for sharing my friend ..7+++ .. marky .


Marcelo Palma Spinetti Marcelo Palma Spinetti   {K:551} 4/14/2005
Incridible, I love this picture!!!!





K Blair   {K:1589} 4/13/2005
Another outstanding shot.. I can not believe the detail you are able to get. Very nice K


Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 4/13/2005
Have toyed with the idea on more than one occasion of getting into digiscope photography.

Have you done any wildlife shots via your scope?


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 4/11/2005
WOW! The details and texture of the moon are so sharp!
How did u take this image its fantastic!
Not only that this is a wonderful perfect moon image u also managed to compose it nicely!
an u included a wonderful about!!!
Well done!! 7/7

Thank you for all your kind comments on my images


alberto baez duarte alberto baez duarte   {K:8175} 4/10/2005
This group of moon pictures are super...all of them..incredible...that`s a great idea to use a telescope....super felicitaciones..!!!


Bryan Steffy Bryan Steffy   {K:4910} 4/9/2005
wow this is really great Mary... i think the texture on the moon is outstanding!!



soul 21 soul 21   {K:27572} 4/9/2005
affascinante la tua passione per l'astronomia...
con risultati fotografici eccellenti
come questa tua fotografia

il tuo italiano è delizioso....
complimenti 7


H t H t   {K:568} 4/8/2005
nice shot Mary


Davide Marchi   {K:9196} 4/8/2005
Spettacolare e grazie infinite di questa conoscenza a me sconosciuta,
ciao Davide


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 4/8/2005
Amazing shot! It looks like it's made of clay. The tones and details are beautiful. 1-3 billion? That's oh, say...2 billion, give or take a (made me chuckle). Boy would I love to be able to take one of these myself and use it in a fairy picture. You should see the self-made poor excuse for a moon that I did on one of mine. Cheers. Antonia


Carlos A. Sabillon Carlos A. Sabillon   {K:2660} 4/7/2005
Great shot.. and of course great info as well... I just wonder how exactly that is done.. that is an unique Shot... Mary. and gorgeous sunsets as well



Mary Brown   {K:71879} 4/5/2005
Andre, thanks for looking at my Moon pictures. Your comment about the location being 'Moon' gave me a smile. I suppose you are right. Coincidently enough, tonight I'm watching a documentary about man's journey to finally land on the Moon.
Take care, Mary


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 4/5/2005
Excellent moon shot photo again, using the telescope.
Shouldn't the Location read Moon ? :)


Joanna Lamb Joanna Lamb   {K:3796} 4/3/2005
Fantastic images Mary - fascinating. Look forward to more. Many thanks for your comments on my Portobello Sunrise and Sunset images. Cheers, Joanna


Timothy Tanguay   {K:1682} 4/2/2005
HOw do you achieve such stunning results?? i am totally amazed by your moon shots. well done. have you ever considered submitting them to an astronomy magazine?


Del Metheny   {K:25617} 4/1/2005
This first caught my eye because March 18 is my birthday. Then I looked at the photo and was very impressed. It could have come from NASA. Your discription gives the photo more meaning. I gather you are at least an amateur astronomer. Very good photo. Del.


Bob Aldridge Bob Aldridge   {K:14758} 4/1/2005
Wow you like your deep space so do I, this is a superb moon shot,you must be ito astronomy to have a lens like that what an exellent photo.
congrats...Bob Aldridge.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/31/2005
Maru, I am astonished at these astronomical pictures. I would never have thought of just holding the camera up to the telescope eyepiece. The quality is another astonishing thing. Well done!


Roland Lacson Roland Lacson   {K:12214} 3/30/2005
Thanks for the bits of info Mary, they say on the exact spot where Apollo 11 landed still exist the remanats of the ship & footprints of the men who made history. Great shot btw & thanks for your recent comment.


Peter Godden   {K:745} 3/27/2005
Wonderful and magical capture Mary! Superb!


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 3/27/2005
John, a very Happy Easter to you and your family. Take care, Mary


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 3/27/2005
I know why You liked that last photo You commented on!LOL Bad moon risin'
This shot is a tad bit more detailed Mary!HaHa!
These lunar shots are really amazing and well taken! Can't wait to see more! Hard to believe Man walked here! Take care! Happy Easter Mary!
GOD bless!....................John
"Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind"..............N.A.


Jon O'Brien Jon O'Brien   {K:11321} 3/27/2005
LOL... a great picture AND a science lesson. Very beautiful. My only complaint (and I admit that this is a personal peeve and probably of zero value as a critique) is that I think that the frame detracts from the beauty of the photograph.

That said - I wish I could do moon shots like yours.




Lee Harris   {K:14694} 3/26/2005
Excellent .....
What a thrill just to look at this, and to capture it for others to see is awesome.
I'm curious, are you able to view and take pictures of planets with rings ? lets say Saturn ?
Very intriguing shot.
Thank you for sharing.


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 3/26/2005
woow Excellent! what kind of telescope you are using? I really want to capture a closeup of the moon


C.A.  Mikulice C.A.  Mikulice   {K:13300} 3/26/2005
Incredible picture, Mary! You see so many moon photos that are... well, like the ones I take, little teeny tiny slightly blurry white things... it's nice to see it done right. The whole series is great.



Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 3/26/2005
Superb image Mary... The clarity and detail is amazing.... I also like the way you've gone for a half moon as it allows more to be seen on the terminator line whereas the full moon (as mine) tends to make it all look much flatter... Well shot and very interesting commentary too!



Mary Brown   {K:71879} 3/25/2005
Monterey, what do you mean, "This is all I can do"? Your picture is fabulous. Your crisp, detailed Moon stands out so dramatically on the black background. I'd be thrilled if I could get a shot even close to yours with my camera. However, it does not have that capacity. So I used my telescope and shot these pictures through the eyepiece. Mary


Rich  Swanner Rich  Swanner   {K:-3732} 3/25/2005
This is all I can do. What are you shooting through besides your camera? Big 7


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 3/25/2005
Thank you so very much, Rafael.


Raf D   {K:9223} 3/24/2005
These is an absolutely STUNNING series!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I remember well all of the Apollo missions. THe aesthetic aspect is fantastic!! Awesome!!!! --- Kind Regards, Rafael


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 3/24/2005
great and alots of details,your work is nice ,best regards from rashid


Marcos Teixeira   {K:1738} 3/24/2005
Great zoom! I took a moon?s shot too but w/o a telescope (I dont have one)...



Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 3/23/2005
Another marvellous shot


Taras R. Hnatyshyn   {K:4055} 3/23/2005

Nice afocal shot.



Naomi Weidner Naomi Weidner   {K:6636} 3/23/2005
Nice shot. Thanks for the lesson. -- Naomi


James Silcock   {K:12501} 3/23/2005
Another beauty Mary, I never tire of seeing such detailed lunar images. Again I am amazed we can see something as small as 24 miles across from such a huge distance. Thank you for the knowledge.


SONNY RODRIGUE   {K:387} 3/23/2005


Andras Lorincz   {K:410} 3/23/2005
Good shot, and great information.
Now I know where landed Apollo 11!
Thank for you!


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 3/23/2005
Wonderful shot Mary, out of this world -sorry,slap me :( . So interesting of a photo and your 'about'.
I am dumbfounded you have 10 views and no comments? ~7~





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