Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/30/2005
amazing... in hard light! well captured cheers roby
Gary Prebble
{K:1168} 6/22/2005
Thanks Den 1/1600 ; f6.3 ISO 800 I have mixed results with this lense. I think you are correct regarding the light. I also find the background lighting seems to affect the sharpness dramatically.I have problem shooting at birds in trees if there is daylight coming though the foliage; versus a solid background. I use P mode mostly with spot metering 6mm. Generally stick with ISO 800 with this lense unless the light is real good which in this area is for only a few months of the year. If you have any tips ; I would greatly appreciate them, I am very much an enthusiast amateur with a passion for wildlife
Thanks and regards Gary
Stephen Bivens
{K:7308} 5/16/2005
Great action shot.
Gary Prebble
{K:1168} 5/13/2005
Thanks Christine, It's one of those I wish I had made a better job of quality wise, but the opportunity came and went in a flash, like a lot of wild life situations. Regards Gary
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 5/12/2005
I think that it's quite an amazing catch... very nice, Gary.
Florencia Schmidt
{K:1107} 5/5/2005
Wooow! What an incredible capture Gary! It looks like a painting. Lovely image.
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 5/4/2005
HI Gary, I picked up on your comments re the Sigma 50-500. I too have one of those lenses, had it since Christmas. My findings are that it needs quite an amount of light for real good results. As an example view my shot:- http;//www.usefilm.com/image/785302.html Looking at this shot I wonder if it is a focus problem caused by insufficient light to allow the autofocus to work properly. That's one of the main probs I've found in low light conditions. Not knowing the shutter speed I can offer no comment about camera shake. Hope this is of some help to you. Den
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 5/4/2005
Gary: Don't we all have some of these. A wonderful action shot and fun to look at despite the less than perfect technicals.
Gary Prebble
{K:1168} 5/4/2005
Thanks Angelo, I have had the 50-500mm for about a month and getting mixed results. Still playing around with it . It appear to focus rapidly, and look great through the lens, but often comes out soft even on a tripod.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 5/4/2005
Looks like a yucky gloomy day with really poor light. You did well to catch the action, but the blur is really obvious.
I have the same lens in my kit (Sigma 50-500) and have been getting really mixed results with it. Some are great, some are really poor. A lot depends on the light - it does not seem to do very well in gloom.
Thanks for your comments on my Caracará shot!
Gary Prebble
{K:1168} 5/2/2005
Thanks Jon, I was not sure what type of bird it was. There are mature bald eagles in the area, so I will edit the comment, appreciate your comments
Jon Slater
{K:1340} 5/2/2005
It has a Cartier-Bresson feel to it. It looks as though that's an immature bald eagle. Nice shot.
Erik Shea
{K:1600} 5/2/2005
This is such an amazing capture, it would have been nice if it were a little more clear, but you truely captured the moment, and a crow chasing a hawk, I can't say that I've ever seen that before.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 5/2/2005
yeah I think the blur is really too strong here