{K:4764} 9/8/2005
Enteresan bir kare olmus. Teknik degerleri cok basarili buldum. Tebrikler.
osman karamehmet
{K:251} 9/7/2005
thanks... thanks Zeev Scharf I'm just practise on this subject...
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 9/7/2005
Excellent capture of this clasical tramway,superb colors and angle of shoting Many thanks for commenting "Backlited IR" Best regards
pan g.
{K:16899} 9/7/2005
Very nice shot! Well observed!! Well done!
osman karamehmet
{K:251} 9/7/2005
tesekkurler... thanks.....
Calin Hanchevici
{K:1459} 9/7/2005
nice colors but it seems is leaning to the right
Yannis Lianos
{K:881} 9/7/2005
nice city photo! good symmetry
timur basol
{K:5769} 9/7/2005
cok guzel bir calisma osman. basarilar. timur
Andrea Musi
{K:1622} 9/7/2005
Funny picture, good creation! Regards Andrea
soul 21
{K:27572} 9/7/2005
simpatica immagine accadeva anche a Napoli......