A few days ago I turned 18. It's weird to be 18, because officially I'm an adult, but I feel exactly the same as a few days ago, when I was still 17. Shouldn't adulthood be determined by feelings, and not by the days you've been living? What makes me more an adult than other kids in my class who are still 17? I remember playing as a kid that I was 12, because 12 was an adult age to me back then. I remember the picture in my head of how I should be as an adult, but now, officially being one, I don't really feel the way I imagined it. I still got all this questions running through my head and I still wonder how I will be when I'm grown-up. I wonder if I will always have this picture in my head, and never have a moment where I can think: "Now I'm living that picture" or "now I know that picture wasn't very realistic." Well, and with this photo I tried to illustrate that feeling. Half coloured- half B&W, half child, half grown-up. Wondering what the world expects me to be; an adult who has all the answers, or just a kid who keeps asking for anwers? Or just a little bit of both?
Hi there. =) I feel like you're going through exactly what I went through. I got quite contemplative when I turned 19 (which was back in may), realizing that my childhood years were pretty much over. When I was 18 I got my licence and also had two jobs. I started college last month too. All these changes can be somewhat daunting, but honestly, go with it, and enjoy the freedom. We're still very young comparatively speaking. ;)
Turning 19 in two weeks.. Still feel exactly the same.. although, maybe it bit more grown-up! So much things have changed in the year of being 18. I got a 'job' I always used as example of what would be the greatest, the best and the most fun job ever, I got my drivers license, I finished high school and I'm official a student at the Amsterdam University. Law-student... God, that sounds so grown up. I still don't feel THAT grown-up. I guess I'll always be some years behind. I don't know whether I find that thought depressing or the opposite of depressing.
Beautiful capture lara and lovely portrait ..I am 49 going on 20..you will never feel old ..it has always stayed with what my mother said when she was 82 she had a stroke and i was the only one who could understand her..she said :i may be old and people see me as a old lady that can,t understand what is going on because i can,t hear properly and can,t talk clearly and i can,t do anything for myself..but inside i am 18 and mind is very sharp:so don,t what worry about what age you should feel you will always be 18..nessa
hi lara, how have you been? havent seen you around lately... ummm... me either, i havent been around for a long time now. i just go here and check once in a while. well, do hope youre okay. email me soon. athrio@hotmail.com
Don't misunderstand me, I am happy, I just can't help thinking about life. Well, reading your tips, I hope all goes well. Feeling old.. hmm.. not very appealing.
Tips to Lara: - If all goes well, you will never 'feel' grown-up - Your calendar age and your emotional age may never match, but there's nothing wrong with that. - While you ponder the deeper things of life, don't forget to have some child-like fun!
This photo seems to have a very pensive mood. Be happy.
feeling older is something u get when u feel u are bearing to HEAVY rsponsibilities or duties or desicions. life will get u that for sure, only then u will fell older. good luck.