Photograph By Judi Liosatos
Judi L.
Photograph By David Rodriguez
David R.
Photograph By David Rodriguez
David R.
Photograph By Paul Harrett
Paul H.
Photograph By Blake Heiss
Blake H.
Photograph By Ann  Van Breemen
Ann  .
Photograph By Jan Symank
Jan S.
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Luxagraphia (171)
Luxagraphia Electronica (113)
Peeps (37)
Abstracts (34)
Critters (16)
Evens and Beginnings (45)
Improving My Rock and Roll Lifestyle (3)
Luxagraphia - christmas lights (9)
Luxagraphia - Film (1)
Luxagraphia - Fire (3)
Luxagraphia - Glasses (1)
Luxagraphia - Murder on the Ornament Exp (2)
Luxagraphia - Peeps (10)
Luxagraphia - Rope Lights (18)
Luxagraphia - Shot Glass (9)
Luxagraphia - Tubes (38)
Luxagraphia Natura (47)
Manipulations (10)
Reflections (18)
Selves (5)
Abstracts (142)
Alternative Process (107)
Architecture (7)
At Work (2)
Candids (7)
Children (2)
Cityscape (15)
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Deep Blue (6)
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From The Field (54)
Humor (3)
Journalism (6)
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Minimalist (12)
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Seascapes (5)
Sports (1)
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Still Life (15)
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Wildlife (9)

James Cook's imageopolis Photo Portfolios

Luxagraphia (171)

Luxagraphia is a photographic technique I have been developing wherein I use light to draw images. It is a way of drawing with light on the photographic plate (film, CCD, etc.) to produce an image. Luxagrphia is all about motion. In this respect it can be thought of as Futurist. This motion could be camera or camera and subject motion. In this respect it likens itself to the work of modernist painters such as Marcel Duchamp. Some of the images will take on the appearance of Impressionist paintings. Others will be much more abstract, perhaps reminiscent of the work of Jackson Pollack. These images are not retouched in any way. PS use is limited to those steps necessary to load the image to this site: shrinking image dimensions, shrinking file size, perhaps cropping or converting to B&W. I will try to make clear for each image what was done. There is a fundamental and important difference between what I do when I shoot luxagraphically and to what is called camera-toss. Since camera-tossing is utterly random there is no path to reproducibility. In contrast, I have been evolving techniques for shooting in the luxagraphic style which would allow me (at least theoretically) to reproduce some particular shot. The act of reproducing a photograph may be highly impractical and creating again the exact conditions under which the original shot was made could also be undaunting; however the important matter is that it at least exists as a possibility--as it does in all other photography. Camera-toss is purely wysiwyg with no skill or technique involved. I may take several shots of the same subject, slightly modifying my technique as I do so, in an effort to capture some specific look or feel from that subject. Through my techniques I have discovered ways to evoke certain specific behaviors from particular subjects. And though there is always a random element involved--as there is in all of life--I as the photographer am in the driver's seat encouraging that random element to obey my photographic will. Your questions and comments are always encouraged.

Luxagraphia Electronica (113)

Photographs shot luxagraphically where the subjects involve electric light sources of one type or another. Usually these are shot at night and often involve street scenes.

Peeps (37)

Yep, thems humans.

Abstracts (34)

duh, abstractions...

Critters (16)

Bugs and birds and other things that exist but probably don't live in my house most of the time.

Evens and Beginnings (45)

Stuff that really doesn't fit anywhere else.

Improving My Rock and Roll Lifestyle (3)

Pictures relating to music.

Luxagraphia - christmas lights (9)

Luxagraphia - Film (1)

Examples of my luxagraphic work shot with film.

Luxagraphia - Fire (3)

Luxagraphia - Glasses (1)

Luxagraphic work where I have used various glass vessels interposed between the lens and the subject lights.

Luxagraphia - Murder on the Ornament Exp (2)

Luxagraphia - Murder on the Ornament Express

Luxagraphia - Peeps (10)

Luxagraphia - Rope Lights (18)

These photographs involve standard luxagaphic techniques where the subject lights are rope lights. For more information about the techniques involved in luxagraphic shooting, please see my portfolios luxagraphia.

Luxagraphia - Shot Glass (9)

This series involves standard luxagaphic techniques and the interposition of a shot glass between the lens and the subject. For more information about the techniques involved in luxagraphic shooting, please see my portfolios luxagraphia.

Luxagraphia - Tubes (38)

Photographs shot luxagraphically where neon-style tubes of various shapes and colors and the subjects.

Luxagraphia Natura (47)

Photographs shot luxagraphically where the subjects are nature scenes and the like.

Manipulations (10)

I don't often work in PS, for instance. These are those rare forays.

Reflections (18)

Selves (5)

Me in my various aspects and contortions.

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