Napa Thamsongsana
{K:158} 12/26/2005
wowow, i see it dancing and singing a song. very nice :O)
Happy New Year2006 napa
N.R. Miller
{K:946} 12/25/2005
Very elegant. Reminds me of one of Georgia O'Keefe's charcoal drawings. Love it!
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 12/24/2005
This is GREAT! It is like a sumi-e (an ink painting)!You've got a most fantastic eye! This goes straight into my favourites! I also looked at your portofolio a little and was delighted with what I saw. Have a great day! YT
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 12/4/2005
Warren, very nice!! Love the framing of the top and bottom branches. Be cool to see a series of these!
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 12/3/2005
beautiful dancing seeds i like ur prespetive
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 12/3/2005
very nice and creative abstract composition,Warren....also really great silhouette....Bravo! Cheers, Mohsen