Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 1/17/2006
Great angles, strong lines and rich textures with perfect lighting. An excellent natural abstract rich in content. Very well done Angelo. Joggie
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 12/31/2005
Olá Angelo , No meu caminho haviam árvores ; haviam árvores no meu caminho...interessante. Gostei desta foto úmida , neste local escuro . Pena o primeiro tronco à esquerda ter perdido alguns detalhes ..mas enfim , gosto deste tema e gostei da foto também. Um abraço e um 2006 cheio de de realizações, saúde, de alegria , paz para toda família.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 12/21/2005
Thanks, Paul. That is a very flattering comment.
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 12/21/2005
Nice one Angelo. It has an air of mystery- where does it go, Is it going to colapse, Is this my path to stardom?-Alas we will never know these answers.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 12/21/2005
Hi Angelo, The strong points in this photo are (in random order) the imaginary diagonal composition of the trees, crossing the converging lines of the path, and even stronger countered by the slanted hill. The damp atmosphere is well portrayed by the dark tones in the foliage and the trunks, but compared to the previous image of the same subject, I feel this images lacks the element of depth. yet I think I prefer this one, as the abstract / compositional component in it is stronger. A very different photo - feel-wise. Nice work.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/20/2005
The exposure is perfect! Beyond that, the sharp decline of the path makes me strongly wonder where it goes...I want to travel that path. Thanks for sharing this, Angelo. It's beautiful.
{K:9427} 12/20/2005
Great subject. Nice colour and composition.