{K:26787} 1/2/2006
LOL, that´s nice to hear. As an authorized translator (Finnish -> Swedish) I´m very proud of hearing that!
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 1/1/2006
Hello Elisa! You are probably the only one to notice the double sense here. Have a Happy New Year yourself and thanks for the always pleasing conversation with me. I enjoyed it a lot and improved my English knowledge enormously;)
{K:26787} 1/1/2006
Hi Markus! Good title, having a double sense :) Very good compo with the arrow parallel to the ground. Excellent light/details ...
Glückliches Neues Jahr!!!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 12/25/2005
I like the arrow on the tree and how you composed it together with all surrounding tree´s!
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 12/24/2005
A wonderful series, Markus. Although far behind Austria, we have now almost all our trails marked. Ronen, Rachel's son, who finally realized his dream & bought a 4X4 car,uses it for desert trails, the muddier the better. He sends us photos with his car at 40 degrees downwards & almost gives his mother (& me) heart attacks. I'm rather late in responding, partly, but not entirely my fault, as you probably know, my friend & I thank you for all your very kind comments on my recent photos. Merry Christmas & a very Happy New Year to you. Best regards, Rafi
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 12/24/2005
hi Markus !1 wish you and your family a merry christmas & a great 2006 ,love,subhash.
Asim Roy
{K:10051} 12/21/2005
very nice composition Markus, love, asim
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 12/21/2005
J'aime bien encore cette composition avec ses arbres penchés dans la direction de la flèche et de la pente qui dynamise la photo. drilan