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Masked Man
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Image Title:  Masked Man
Favorites: 0 
 By: Nate Barnes  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Nate Barnes {Karma:216}
Project #13 Long Exposure Camera Model Fuji S2
Categories Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 28-300 zoom
Uploaded 1/6/2003 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 557 Shutter 15 Seconds
Favorites Aperture F16
Critiques 5 Rating Critique Only Image
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About Just started to try light painting. My light source for this is a $10 flashlight from Walmart. I think the beam may be to wide and would work better with a narrower beam.
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There are 5 Comments in 1 Pages
Peter Amber   {K:58} 4/4/2003
That's weird! This image reminds me of a Roman mask found in the Teutonian Forest where a great battle took place 9 AD between Romans and Germans.
The effect is well done.


Charles Morris   {K:5969} 1/7/2003
nice image. the subject is very interesting too, some decorative wall hanging i guess?

I have tried light painting on very large objects (a shopping mall after hours) and had marginal success with it. even with top of the line equipment like a "hosemaster" it is a lot of trial and error. if you are just using a flashlight you might try making a colimator or a snoot for your light source with some stiff paper like a file folder and roll it around the head of the flashlight. how long this tude extends in front of the flashlight will determine how narrow or wide your beam will be.

keep trying.


Raymond Bliss   {K:3182} 1/7/2003

Excellent work. Here's an idea for you. If you are familiar with Minimag flashlights, they have an inspection light attachment that is basically a fiber optic cable that attaches to the front of the flashlight. It gives you a small, flexible light and you could be more precise in your painting. I think they cost less than $20.00. I'll do a quick search on the net and see if I can find you a link. But I am very impressed with the results you achieved with just the flashlight. Persistance pays off.



Nate Barnes   {K:216} 1/7/2003

In a room you can make dark (this was taken in my bathroom) setup your camera and focus on the subject. Turn off the lights and then open the camera shutter. In this case I had the shutter open for 15 seconds. Use a flashlight (or whatever light source your are using) to "paint" around the subject. Keep the light moving so as to not get the light too focused in any one area. You can achieve different effects by either putting more light in one area or not putting light in an area. In this case my bathroom was cramped and I had a hard time getting the flashlight directed on the right side of the image, which is why that side is darker and has more shadow. Use different lights/filters over lights to get various effects. I am shooting digital which has been very helpful as I can see the image after each shot and adjust how long I keep the light in any one spot (this was the 12th picture before I got an image I liked).


Keith Naylor   {K:13064} 1/6/2003
Nate - tell me more about light painting, what is it and how do you do it ?

The result looks pretty good to me.




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