Zarazka Zarazkovich
{K:1510} 2/5/2003
I like noisy version more. Also, the photo is too focused on the prism itself - I would like to see a version where more sky is included
Petra Engle
{K:1282} 2/5/2003
Thanks, Andy! And Harvey, too, I'll look into that program. I did find where noise reduction can be done in Photo Impact just now and it does do a pretty good job. Thanks very much for viewing and going through such trouble to help!
Deleted User
{K:4598} 2/5/2003
Part of the reason for loss of definition is because I used the profile for my Canon 1D. The default ISO for the 1D is ISO 200. ISO 100 can be used as a special function. Most probably this was ISO 100 and I used a ISO 200 profile which is a bit stronger.
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 2/5/2003
I think both of your prism shots are really compelling. Even though there's no clear form, I still find my eye wandering around them drinking in all the colors and subtle contours. I agree with Harvey about the noise issue, but I'm not sure I'd go quite to the level Harvey did. I think he did a great job with filtering out the noise but at the cost of some definition to the clouds. Good work Petra.
Deleted User
{K:4598} 2/5/2003
I use PhotoImpact for all my editing. I have PS and all the others but have been using PhotoImpact exclusively for years. The noise was taken out with a program called NeatImage which you can download. It's absolutely the best noise reduction program available and inexpensive. If memory serves me correctly, it's about $30.00
Petra Engle
{K:1282} 2/5/2003
Yes! Thanks, that looks a lot better. Now how do I do that in Photo Impact? What are the commands in Photoshop, maybe they are the same. I'm going to have to invest the mega bucks into Photoshop, I fear :(.
Deleted User
{K:4598} 2/5/2003
Let's try that again. The first file was too large to upload.

Deleted User
{K:4598} 2/5/2003
I've attempted to take out as much as the noise as possible Petra. Tell me if this appears any better.

Deleted User
{K:4598} 2/5/2003
If you can get the noise out, it makes for an interesting image.