For me, it's also the lipstick that gives it that 'noir' technicolor...that's "it's the first color movie...ever" feel. Good call...i'll give it to ya again. ;)
Briz-vegas! ...miss it very much. Lived in Main Beach for about a year. My wife and I plan to visit NZ very soon! I think that's a great have a UF get together! Imagine the the images from that party that show up on UF!
Plasma screen, doh! No probs, still think it's groovy. Glad you know what I mean by technicolor, has that 'I used to be B&W but now re-released in dazzling colour' quality. Might be the shape of the mouth and nose too. Hollywood starlet... only, with a slight-ish gap...
Take care Joel :) Oh, by the way, I'm actually a Brizzy girl! Got dragged across the Tasman to Auckland by my kiwi hubby. HUGE climate change for me, I can tell you :) If you're ever round these ways visiting friends, let me know and we'll hook up a UF get together! Cheers.'s none of the above, but i honestly do have a gap between my teeth.
I'm so glad you like this! (thank you for the comment! ;) ) This image is the result being very bored while watching the start of olympic couples skating. I just picked up my camera, and started taking pictures for no reason. That turned into taking pictures for the tv screen...of the skaters like I was a press photopher. *geek*. that pattern is the plasma screen. This was the only image that was straight.
Is that half-toning, or a blended texture? I can't decide... either way it's cool. Very much like looking at a billboard ad for toothpaste, her teeth are so exquisitely white! And why on Earth has no-one commented on this before? It's different, fresh and has a quasi Technicolor feel about it. I like it Joel! (can you tell?)
Cheers Rina.
p.s. My mother used to tell me that people with gaps in their two front teeth, were meant to be lucky... :))