Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 2/24/2006
Kike, you are a lazy mtfkr.... :-)
kike Calvo
{K:11291} 2/23/2006
Hola Selen. Antes de nada, quiero darte la bienvenida a UF, y avisarte del peligro que tiene. Esto engancha... Estoy de acuerdo con la crítica de Iván, si sigues las normas clásicas de composición para un retrato, le falta un poquito de pecho, o le sobra frente, pero en este caso es tan maravillosa la expresión que has captado, que la composición pasa a un plano secundario. La mirada perdida del anciano y esa leve sonrisa en su rostro te atrapa. Primer siete que te pongo, y me parece a mi que va a ser una costumbre visto lo visto. Un saludo kike
(Ivan échame una mano con la traducción)
r u t h d r io
{K:4339} 2/22/2006
Wellcome to uf, Selen!!, in this shot i love the look of this man, i can see lots of things i his thinkings regards
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 2/22/2006
This is very nice... but because I am a pain in the ass I am going to criticise it a bit... The image is nicely composed, emphasis on the gentleman's calm face and eyes, however I would have liked to see a bit more chest, just a little bit. Bit overexposed though... and would like to see a tad bit more sharpness.. But as I said, very moving image, and deep story behind...

Selen Sanli
{K:111} 2/21/2006
I love this picture.
It does show the two faces of a man at the same time...a man that has always had hopes and is waiting for the day he will be together with the daughter he lost 3 years ago...doesn't it ?
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 2/21/2006
cook guzel!
*** the photo has got great mood. and the old man has got a virtous glance.
love it.
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 2/21/2006
cok guzel bir kare ! ....
so nice photo ! ...
Carsten Nor
{K:794} 2/21/2006
Great Portrait. Nice colors, sharp and great contrasts. very nice taking.