Megan McCluskey
{K:3762} 2/16/2004
Kim, I just love this shot not so much for any technical quality I just love the expression on the dogs faces! They are wonderful subjects if they cooperate and these two look like they've done this before. A couple of pros. Nice work. I enjoyed your whole portfolio.
: ) meg
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 9/23/2003
great composition.was in Jasper at minus 55.
j w
{K:12641} 9/9/2003
Hah! I love this!!! I can't imagine how you got it. It's like taking pictures of my bassets with a little bunny ;)
I genuinely like the very contrasty feel here -- if everything were even, and in a "normal" tonal range, I don't think the dogs would really stand out as they do.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 7/15/2003
Thanks for taking a look, Toni. It's a laugh trying to get these two goofballs to do what I want, believe me! And trying to get them to behave with so many sticks around.... well, forget it! *grin*
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 7/15/2003
Kim, this looks like a very old photo, the kind you did out of the shoe box which came from the parents or grandparents. I like it. I also like your models! My laugh of the day, trying to figure out how you get those dogs to do what you want!
John Charlton
{K:5595} 3/30/2003
Hi Kim. This is a great moment but it seems that there are two subjects fighting with each other.
The shot of the teepee without the dogs convinces me that the dogs are really the main subject here. That said, the lines of the teepee are leading my eyes up and away from them.
I really like the way the dogs are standing out against the interior background. They look like an old married couple. I'd be tempted to crop the picture in half and resubmit it to see what people think.
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 3/21/2003
to me this IS very catchy and original and I like it lots-nice contrast-jpg compression has not helped the quality of the image though.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 3/20/2003
Hahha, Vincent... what was I thinking with dogs, when goats would work so much better!!! Thanks for opening my eyes! *grin* And thanks for taking a look. I like this one too. The Ilford really made the B&W tones jump.
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 3/20/2003
I like this Kim. It has real character, almost an 1800s look and feel (all but the dog's collar). Sky is a bit hot, but this still works fine in my opinion.
Now, if you put a couple of goats in there instead.......
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 3/16/2003
Nice shot! Bye Marco.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 2/20/2003
Ha ha Russell... you are SO funny. *grin* I liked the Ilford for the contrast in tone but I guess this image just isn't catchy enough. Any ideas how to make this shot jump? I do have one without the dogs as well.
Russell Love
{K:7006} 2/20/2003
Yeah I know and along came a pig and BLEW the house down, right?
Later my friend,