City - Medicine Lake State - MN Country - United States
Fenster Fuller had languished in a limp life, lacking luster and liquidity. Fenster was the great nephew of Buckminster Fuller well known eccentric and futurist. At Uncle Bucks will reading in the mid 90's Fenster was creastfallen to find how finanically frugal and Fenster free his Uncle Buck had been. All Fenster received was Buckminster's rare beer can collection and four tickets never used for 1964 World's Fair. Fenster was pleased to find out what a misspelled Schlitz can would fetch on E-bay, especially since it spelled the common valgurity for Number 2.
Fenster did have one passion and that was building geodosic domes from recyclable materials and did custom projects for patrons of the Green movement. He entered the Ice Art Shanty competition and built a dome from Pringle cans and Progresso soup cans using plastic bags from State Fair booths as its skin. Rumor had it the Fenster was in the running for an award and he eagerly awaited the Ice Shanty banquet. But alas as many things in Fenster flipping freaky far fetched and fastidious fast lane life seemed to go, they went awry.
One evening during Pierre Johannsens and Renee Ringewurminoff”s now infamous encounter (please Art Shack II for the details), Pierre took a left foot to his goateed muzzle and flew at an estimated speed of thirty mph into the Dome, taking it out in one New York minute. Pierre feeling shame, asked to donate his ever growing collection of Starbucks coffee paper cups to help rebuild and Fenster was set to begin again the next day.
However earyly the next morning an overzealous Waste Management recycling crew, picked up the dome contents in hopes of winning recycler of the month award thus getting new T shirts and free truck cab deodorizers.
Fenster was flustered, flabbergasted, farted and fled never to be seen at the Ice Art Shanty again.
The finale feeling of this fable: There's no waste like Dome.