brian underdown
{K:-960} 4/27/2006
thank you bart...
brian underdown
{K:-960} 4/27/2006
thank you pan..
brian underdown
{K:-960} 4/27/2006
dont worry andree , perhaps if i had another person with me on the day it may have been perfect .but its just me a tripod and a timer then running round into position.
brian underdown
{K:-960} 4/27/2006
thank you tan, im not sure about the setting but it took me 20 or more attempts to at least get in a decent position.i used a tripod and a timer then ran tround into view and quickly sat down.the man is me.
Tan Truong
{K:27} 4/18/2006
This photo tells me you did a very good job in setting up and shooting. Excellent!
Grzegorz Markowski
{K:6537} 4/16/2006
super compo super !
Martin .
{K:24957} 4/16/2006
Brilliant “Artistry” … You are a “Natural”… I can’t describe with words how I feel, while staring at this “Masterpiece”… Don’t worry about Steve, as his work doesn’t warrant any critiques what so ever… LMAO... He hasn't heard of the rule of thirds... The offset only adds to the perfection regarding this capture...
You have the eye my friend and I’m humbled by your work,
brian underdown
{K:-960} 4/11/2006
ok steve i think if i had a real model or friend with me i cud have spent a lot of time getting the composition right. however its me using a tripod and a timer and then quickly running to a position before the timer finished.it was really a case of take thirty shots and hope i got in a useable position. in this shot the whole photo is one shot no layereing or pasting subjects . it was a series of having a bit of luck.
thanks for taking time again to offer lengthy critique. dont worry i dont get offended i t just makes me go out there again and get it right.so keep an eye out for more.
Steve Aronoff
{K:18393} 4/11/2006
A fine shot, Brian. I really like the whole series with this model. A lot. The perspective here is great. Great tones. The one thing that does bother me, and I'm not one normally bothered by asymmetry, is the lack of symmetry here. It's not just that there's more on the right than on the left of the subject. It's that the more on the right is darker and higher and feels bulkier as a result. This gives me the feeling that the whole scene is tilted down to the left. This is also enhanced by the fact that the subject's forearms and his front (left) leg are higher on the right side than the left. It think cropping a little from the right side would help. At least it would help me. But maybe that's what you intended for a stoned person, and you can forget everything I just said. Except for the first bits. Steve
Salvatore Rossignolo
{K:13559} 4/5/2006
Great picture! Moving! The contrasts and the clouds wow! I'm not a fan of Che Guevara but you can't have everything! Great work. Sal
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 4/5/2006
What a wonderful, powerful image. Beautiful B&W with an emotional mood tossed in for impact. Many thumbs up!
andree lerat
{K:17476} 4/5/2006
I know Euphoria. Great music...:)
Powerful portrait of nature and man. I like how the edge of the trees is dark bringing to the viewer to the horizon.
I have a tiny small minor critique... I think that the figure is a bit too close to the bottom of the frame.
It is so beautiful I feel uncomfortable implying that it is not perfect...:)
pan g.
{K:16899} 4/4/2006
So dramatic shot. Amazing quality!
brian underdown
{K:-960} 4/4/2006
hi micheal,euphoria its an album of trance styled music,just what i happened to be listening at the time. Im glad you like the setting it is a location that offers great perspective in a 17mm focal. anyway its 4.30am and i must go to work later ill attached what the shot looked originally from the camera and i think you will agree theres not much changed to this one uploaded.
brian underdown
{K:-960} 4/4/2006
thank you mary,the position of the foot did bug me.but the man is me ,i used a tripod and a timer(10 sec) and simply sat down in position so i really had only a vague idea how the position was.it was time consuming i took abt 30 shots and this one was the most effective.the location i had visited a few days before so i went back to try and get this shot in mind.if you look on my portfolio you will see how i had a different further into the field. however i wanted myself up close in a 17mm focal knowing the field and cloud would give it that enhanced perspective.anyway i think to date its one of the most satisfying challenges of photography ive had.
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 4/4/2006
The perspective (created by your lens choice as well as the contrast between light and shadow) pulls you straight into this image. I like it very much. Truthfully, it has made me think of using my wide angle in a different way.
Black & white works wonderfully. I think color would actually detract from the image somewhat. There is enough detail in the image without adding color. (I say this knowing full well that color enthusiasts, of which I am usually one, might find a color version more appealing.)
In terms of composition, I'm a bit bothered that the subject's foot is right on the exact edge of the image. To my eye the foot needs a touch of space. It would help place the subject fully into the mown field.
Other than that small nit, I find the whole image quite pleasing. So glad you posted this!
Bryan Palmer
{K:-580} 4/4/2006
Very good shot. I think this works very well in black and white.
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 4/4/2006
Don't know the song, I have listened to the guitronica Euphoria, but don't think that it is the same group...
Anyhow, great shot, love the wide perspective and the tats on the subject. Nice wide range of gray values and I like the composition.
You'll probably get a lot of high marks for perspective. And you will deserve it.
Great setting to draw in the recession into space.
Only question on the sky - may be digital sharpening before upload, but there are a bit of jaggies on the horizon. If you masked and darkened the sky seperately, watch for mask lines.
Otherwise, sweet, sweet, sweet.
arian mumxhiu
{K:960} 4/3/2006
Nice foto. nice prespektiv. arian
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 4/3/2006
wow speechless for the amazing perspective. superb BW and concept here. my favs PAOLO