Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/15/2006
Thank you very much Roby!
There was much debate about these bridge images, and I learned SO much about how difficult it is to take a bridge photo!
cheers my friend!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/14/2006
i love this cut and point of view - subject!! cheers roby 7
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/14/2006
Thank you once again Marian!
bridges are my new challenge! ....so difficult to shoot!!! Thank you very much for your kind comments!!
cheers, -joel
Marian Man
{K:80636} 4/13/2006
a great bridge so well captured by you dear Joel!!!! fine colors!!!! very well done!!! regards Marian (like bridges too!!!)
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/10/2006
thanks again my friend! This square format seems to be the way to go with the bridge. SO glad you like it!
cheers, -joel
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 4/9/2006
I like this square format my dear friend Joel well done!! cheers joćo
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 4/7/2006
Next to Rina's more extreme crop I think this one is fantastic too!! I can see the postcard/vintage look you're aiming for, but the format is a bit off... ;-D If you took another shot with somewhat more on the right... then... Hey that's THE reason to go back again... LOL!! The colors are great, I kind of like the 'freak' in the shot... might be because there's some recognition... ;-DDDDD Well done!!
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/7/2006
can't thank you enough for your help with these! there is a painful lesson to be learned in shooting the GG Bridge. it's a pain that has a very easy to solve cure.. get a boat! For fun and possibly another lesson, I may post a film strip composition of *every* angle from both days of shooting. I think since 9/11, there are palces that you can't go anymore to put yourself in prime postion.
The 17-24mm made for another treat in loss of detail. Here's my one last hope... this weekend, I get to borrow the 100-400L. This will allow me to shoot from a pier that's in the middle of the bay. ...man... i can't let this addiction go! my wife is going kill me if she's i've back for more. i'm obsessesd. ;)
honestly, thank you so much! You and Michael are the masters of detail and vista shots... so i'm learing from the best!
Took a break, and shot some lettuce and flowers tonight.
cheers, -joel
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/7/2006
Hi Joel,
Of the two versions, I think this one is just a dad better in its composition. Mainly because the denseness of the construction in the other one on the left create an unbalance, I believe. I can see the reason behind this crop, but I do see your point about leaving the two cables hanging there too.
Yet, including the building in the front in the composition is a great idea, that really adds to the composition.
I find it really interesting to see how many options there are to compose / re-crop this photo. Virtually endless, and mquite a few of them rather valid. I think I would've maintained a "common" image aspect ratio, though. That might be a bit more difficult in this situation, though.
Looking at all versions you've posted so far, I still believe a portrait formatted image could also work, as it emphasises the tall pillars, as well as offer an option to place the nearest one off center. You'd probably need to take a PoV more to the left, I figure. See what I'm getting at?
The more favourable weather also assist in creating the appeal, but that would apply to both photos.
Great work, I like how much effort you've put into these, and it's not an easy subject to capture, I think by looking at all versions.
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/6/2006
Thank you very much Phil!
You'll have to come visit some day! Every friend that comes to visit from Aus or NZ, always is shocked by what the bay area is like when compared to the rest of the country. It's kinda like Sydney.
....Sydney... a year of living in QLD, and I've only seen Sydney Airport. Sad! I remember seeing the harbor, and the opera house from the air. I'll have to get there some day...as you must get here some day!
Have a great Easter weekend! A few years ago, I spent Easter weekend diving at Morton Island...every Easter since... I always remember.
Cheers mate, have a good one!
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 4/6/2006
Another lovely version! What a wonderful series of images. I would love to, one day, visit San Fran! I have been around the world twice, but never been there. I would love to have the opportunity to take some shots of this bridge!
We're off to Sydney for Easter - staying at a hotel right near the Opera House. I hope to get some great shots of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. I have driven over the bridge countless times and been to many concerts and recitals at the Opera House, however, I have never taken any photos of either structure.
So, hopefully, after Easter, if they turn out good enough, I will have some shots on this site.
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/6/2006
Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window... my hero! :)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 4/6/2006
lmao!!... mental image of you in a day-glo orange dingy, bawling uncontrollably over your dripping wet camera... boy, the things we'd do to get the perfect shot
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/6/2006
Thank you Garibe!
cheers, -joel
garibe ashena
{K:511} 4/6/2006
Very nice photograph
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/6/2006
Thank you Rina!
you're too kind!
yes...sadly, there's not much to see below the breaking wave...other than the ugly trash can, and hoods of the parked cars around me. Had to run out in the middle of the street to take this...and of course a freakin wave breaks for the shot. I burst 6 frames as fast as possible.. this being the best.
Well.. you know those postcards that are 'carboard' cards... vintage, I guess I should say. I just love that look. I almost wish I could convince some friends with old cars to park them around next time. Then... you'll the freaking breaking wave along with the car hoods! ;)
I love that picture you sent the link of! I saw that wen I was making sure I was uploading to the correct 'project of the month'! ...that john Sigler had to of climbed around the fence to grab that image!! So wanted to today.. too windy, and didn't want to be on the 11'oclock news in a day-glo orange dingy being hoisted into a Coast Guard Helicopter with a dripping camera around my neck ;)
you'll have to come visit the bay area some day!
cheers, and thanks again for the kind comments!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 4/6/2006
Pssst... Joel... check this out: http://www.usefilm.com/image/549422.html
Wish I could offer something more than just "great shot", but there it is. It's a great shot, they all are. 1960's postcard? Not sure. What I wouldn't mind seeing, is a bit more foreground though. Feel like I'm being teased with those breaks against the rocks there. But then again, perhaps there isn't much more to see? I wouldn't know as I've never been, so you'll have to clue me in.
I'll be following along to see what others suggest. You've piqued my interest :)
Cheers Rina.
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/6/2006
Thank you Jim! (I'm a bigger fan of the original myself)
cheers, -Joel
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 4/6/2006
Personally I like the original better. The cut off white water in the foreground breaks the line of the dark boulders lining Fort Points beach. I think the composition works better in the original as well. The cloud is in a perfect spot and your leading lines are more interesting. Nice to see shots of one of my favorite subjects.