Joel Aron
{K:14920} 7/16/2006
Thank you so much Shirley!
..I think you're the only person to like this one, except for me!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 7/15/2006
An amazing composition.
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 6/25/2006
Thank Phil!
....i see the image has done it's job with you ;)
My subject that day was FAR above my ability to photograph it! I must of shot 200 images around that place. The only one that held my attention was this one.. probably cause it's so damn line crazy.
Thanks for the kind words! hope your weekend is going well. Got an incoming nephews' baby shower tomorrow.. I'll be the one switching off lamps all day to get the perfect natural light photo.
cheers, -joel
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 6/24/2006
Oh, Joel, what a conglomeration of lines, colours, textures and shapes! Utter choas! Well spotted and captured! There's no doubt about it, mate, you don't only capture eye candy scenes - you have diverse taste!!
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 6/8/2006
Thanks Jude!
yeah... this one is so damn complex, it hurts to look at again! Hugo had such great comments about this... his best... "why". that had me looking at this image for so long, that my eyes were crossed.
ps... just started to work on my China images from the trip yesterday. I had to work while I was there..so most images were from the 1 hour car ride to the little town where I worked, or the train station. Wow.... dude. crazy. *get* to mainland China if you ever have the chance!
cheers, -joel
jude .
{K:14625} 6/8/2006
Fascinating image, Joel...I like it. And yes, Hugo is right. It does feel like a "quadiptych"...my eye keeps wanting to separate the four sections with just a bit of space between each. Wonderfully complex...
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/20/2006
Thank you Manu!
...you betcha, I gotta get myself in there to get more photos!
thanks for your support, and stay tuned!
cheers, -joel
{K:13082} 4/16/2006
Joel...you've gotta get yourself in there...I feel it will be worth it...good luck..
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/15/2006
Thank you very much Roby!
so glad you like it!
glad to see you back!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/14/2006
so.. is similar to a mirror space image my friend.. i like it! roby
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/14/2006
thank you very much!!
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/14/2006
I kinda feel the same way about this Hugo.
It's such a complex mess of lines, colors, textures, and depth.
It's such a fascinating place, that I've gotta see if I get in past the fence and shoot some more. It's 10 buildings, like airplane hangers, that have been left to be overgrown by the plants left behind by the nursery that cleared out years ago. It's a *dream* for detail lovers like ourselves, but so intense, that we must not overthink what we shoot :) ...and even more so, just to try out the lens ;)
Thanks for the honest review of this one! I kinda felt the same way about the vertical bars.. they add something that startles the depth, and when viewed from far away, give a wild addition to the perspective. maybe...too wild.
thanks again!
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 4/12/2006
Joel my friend this an very interesting image i like it!! cheers Jo
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/12/2006
Hi Joel,
Looking at this photo for a while now, It provides a feel of four individual images (a quadiptych?), with the two frames on the left offering the most information, thus drawing the viewers attention to the left. The vertical bars split up the image a bit too much, but also create a surprising effect in the composition.
The shallow DoF, placing the vertical poles out of the plane of focus does emphasise the depth in this image, as do the diagonals in the structure.
Quite an interesting studies. I only wonder which was the decisive factor to take this shot: the use of the lens or the appeal / suitability of the scene...