Joel Aron
{K:14920} 6/11/2006
Thank you Michele!
I'm glad you like the story! ..it's half the fun for me!
cheers, -joel
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 6/10/2006
Beautiful color and clarity as well as story ! Very Nice . Michele Carlsen~
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 6/8/2006
thanks Jude!!
glad you like this one!
jude .
{K:14625} 6/8/2006
Very beautiful abstract, Joel...makes you want to stay and let your senses swim in it for awhile.
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/18/2006
thank you very much my friend!!
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 4/17/2006
Very marine composition remamber me an underwater shot my friend Joel well done!! cheers jo
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/16/2006
Thank you very much Elisa!
have a great day!
cheers, -Joel
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/16/2006
Thank you very much Hugo!
I wish I had more time there... there were some sections that had oil floating on the surface that gave an even deeper layer of complexity to the poluted look.
I'm so glad that you like this image! Printed it 13" x 19" last night on watercolor paper... kinda loses something that large...so may go smaller today, and on glossy.
thanks again!
cheers, -joel
{K:26787} 4/16/2006
Hi Joel! Very well spotted, makes a wonderful abstract with those intriguing colours! Thanks for your comment/wishes; Happy Easter to you as well!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/16/2006
Hi Joel, Great to read the story behind it... those guys always manage to spoil the fun, don't they?! At least he wished you a happy easter, so I guess he was still quite OK.
Very nice abstract feel in this one, the blue hues and variations are great, wouldn't have guessed this was shot during a grey and rainy day, let alone on a railway emplacement.... It does show signs of pollution, but the tones hint at a much nicer place, such as a tidal pool somewhere warm and relaxing place... Great catch, the combination of surfaced and submerged parts as well as the use of reflections create a very poworful image.