very nice capture....too bad about the low light and the corresponding noise... and a little more postprocessing was indeed needed...hope you don't mind...cheers
I like the feel of this photo; the anonymousness of the subway, with the expressionless faces of the commuters in conjunction with the reflection in the window is facinating.
Maybe you could get more out of this shot with a little more postprocessing, though. I think if you played with the levels a bit more, you could create a stronger coherence within the shot, I believe. I find it rather difficult to fully explain, so I tweaked the image a bit (see attached) to illustrate what I mean.
In a way, the image quality with the dust specs add to the atmosphere and the feel of the subway, yet the amount is rather large, maybe too large to a point where the specs become a distraction. Minor thing though. Cleaning them up shouldn't be a problem...