{K:70138} 7/9/2006
Wonderful use of selective coloring !!
I also operate a Rebel 2000.. nice to see you do the same..
all the very best, Avi
N3ma Allah Hisham
{K:5465} 6/1/2006
very nice PC work Tony..Keep it up ..you are doing so well..I really like your work my friend..
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 5/31/2006
I think the way you colored it is good and gave a nice effect. Keep on trying Mr. Tony, you're doing a great job. Take care, Khaled.
Omnia Mamdouh
{K:5107} 5/30/2006
Great shot Tony,nice contrast between B&W and colour,also very nice compsition.Well done
Tony Marcel
{K:385} 5/30/2006
Dear Selami.... Thanks for commenting, tell me did you notice its a mix of b&w and colour photo arranged in PS What do you think....Tony
Tony Marcel
{K:385} 5/30/2006
Dear Khaled... The idea of concentrating your attention to a specific object came to me by mixing between B&W and colour in a single photo..I tried it on a simple subject like these eggs...what do you think?
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 5/29/2006
Very good PS work and results Mr. Tony, gave a pleasant tonality. Well done my friend, Khaled.
selami Torun
{K:9397} 5/29/2006
Great work Tony! Nice Light and composition!! congrats. regards