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 By: Alessandro Capelli  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Alessandro Capelli  Alessandro Capelli {Karma:34805}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Nikon Zoom 400
Categories Landscape
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Lakes, rivers, sea..
Dedicated to..
Lens Nikon
Uploaded 7/29/2006 Film / Memory Type ISO-200
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 509 Shutter auto
Favorites Aperture auto
Critiques 36 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Killarney, National Park
State -  KERRY
Country - Ireland   Ireland
About Another pic from my holidays in Ireland, from the Gap of Dunloe..

BW conversion in PS..

This dedicated to all my dear friends Roberto Arcari Farinetti, StingRay, Phillip Minnis, Maurizio Ubaldini, Klaas Baas, Avi, Ninni Termine, Mary Slade, Rashed Abdulla..

..and my new friends Paolo Barthelemy, Giuliano Guarnieri, Giuseppe Guadagno and Carlen Schmidt..

..and moreover to all those friend, not cited here, that have supported me with only one comment too!


I'm leaving for my deserved holidays..I'm going to my mountain home..and in august, in the last week, I go in Ireland where live my cousin..

I will have always my camera with me and I will always think all you!

'See' you in september!


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Dedicated to..

There are 36 Comments in 1 Pages
Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/24/2006
Hi Carlen..have a nice time in Ottawa!
Ciao, Ale


Carlen Boersema Carlen Boersema   {K:6789} 8/24/2006
Hey Ale, glad to see you back. I leave for Ottawa today! I'm jealous of you going to Ireland but HAVE FUN! You'll have a blast.


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Ciao Riny..thanks for your nice words..have all the best!


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Thanks for your comment dear Marcus! Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Thanks for your beautiful comment, Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Thanks dear friend, Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Hi my dear friend Avi!! I'm come back from mountain from an hour..I stay at home for two days..and than I go to Ireland! Happy to 'see' you here!
Ciao, Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Ciao Giuliano, grazie per il commento! Sono tornato da poco dalla montagna..starò a casa due giorni e poi partirò per i 10giorni Irlandesi..a presto! Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Ciao Maurizio..grazie del commento..chiaramente avrò dietro ben due giga di memoria in montagna avevo anche il portatile e scaricavo subito..beh..come detto due giorni a casa e poi via, in Irlanda, verso nuovi posti e nuove foto!
Ciao, Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Many thanks dear Mary!! Ciao, Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Thanks for your nice comment, Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Ciao Giuseppe..sono appena tornato dalla montagna..starò due giorni a casa e poi via, verso l'Irlanda! Sono già carico do nuove foto e chissà quante ne farò metterò qualcuna tra poco..e qui, quanti commenti foto nuove..mi sono perso un sacco!
A presto, Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Thank you so much dear friend..I'm returned from mountain..I stay at my home for towo days..and then I go to Ireland!
My best wishes..
Ciao, Ale


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 8/23/2006
Very nice landscape Alessandro,enjoy your break and come back with fanrastic photos..ciao amigo mio..:)


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Thank you dear friend..Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Emanuele..già ho visto le tue nuove foto..che avevo già visto anche in anteprima non ho ancora iniziato il trasferimento..aiutoo!
Ciao, Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Hi dear Carlen! I'm come back from mountain from one hour..I'm at my home now..I stay here for two days and then I go to Ireland! Have all the best my friend!
Ciao, Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Many thanks for your comment dear Ray..have all the best! Ale


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 8/23/2006
Grazie Carlo, ciao, Ale


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 8/15/2006
Beautiful scene, the path leading to the water really catches the eye, the BW really works well here! excellent.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/11/2006
The end of the road, up there where nobody can disturb nature. At the same time the end of the well known paths, and the start of the uncertain ways that lead us to new discoveries!

A great one!


Jordi Millas Jordi Millas   {K:2898} 8/7/2006
Bonita imagen Ale,
gran profundidad y composición, muy buen trabajo en B/W creando una gran atmosfera de tranquilidad, felicidaes y un saludo !!

Jordi Millàs


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 8/1/2006
Good B&W landscape... very moody.. nice angle of shot too..

WELL DONE, dear Ale !!

all the very best,


Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 7/31/2006
Ciao Ale,
grazie per a dedica.
Buon viaggio e a presto con tante nuove foto




Maurizio Ubaldini Maurizio Ubaldini   {K:1350} 7/30/2006
Ciao Ale , bel B&W, una strada che porta verso il cielo...fai buone vacanze e divertiti..non scordare i rullini ;)
grazie per la dedica ciauzzz....


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 7/30/2006
Beautiful image and words- thank you so much Alessandro. I really like the mountains- it is the feeling of stretching the eyes and hearing the silence. And it is definitely in this one. I hope you have a wonderful time. (My parents still in Wicklow and the heatwave has eased, so hope you have great weather and come back with great pics!).


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 7/30/2006
Very nice, it looks like the road disappears into a lake or pond of some sort. Have a great holiday

Best wishes,


Giuseppe Guadagno Giuseppe Guadagno   {K:34002} 7/29/2006
Grazie e goditi le tue belle montagne. Io andrò sulle Alpi bellunesi tra dieci giorni. A settembre.



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/29/2006
Good composition of an Irish landscape her Alessandro, good B&W conversion, thanks for your dedication my friend, I feel honoured, and I think the others do so too.
I wish you a very fine stay in your mountain home and ofcourse with your cousin, and please return safely again with lots of beautiful pictures to show us. Enjoy your hollidays Ale, take care, and see you in september,



Sergio  Cárdenas Sergio  Cárdenas   {K:25028} 7/29/2006
Nice landscape and great tones...i like it!
Best regards


Emanuele Capelli Emanuele Capelli   {K:6110} 7/29/2006
CIAO ALE!!!!ti auguro una buona vacanza con annessa scattata...chiaramente buona parte delle tue vecanze le passerai con me...speriamo di trovare posti stupendi per idee vediamo Venerdì in montagna con la macchina carica e tanta voglia di scattare foto Great!!ciao...


Carlen Boersema Carlen Boersema   {K:6789} 7/29/2006
Have a great vacation! I'm jealous you're going to Ireland... I have family there too that I miss!


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 7/29/2006
A beautiful moody composition on a grey Irish day. An excellent conversion to mono tones and a wonderfully detailed landscape.

Have a great time and take care of yourself my very dear friend Ale......My very best wishes to you as always.....Ray


carlo raingini carlo raingini   {K:11977} 7/29/2006
very nice perspective.



Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 7/29/2006
Many thanks dear friend! Ale


Hind S. Al-Hashimy Hind S. Al-Hashimy   {K:2851} 7/29/2006
beautiful photo.. loved the angle, the tone, and the b&w choice.. all the best )




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