Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 11/28/2007
Great shot, made me laugh. Thank you
Goran Lepen
{K:1307} 10/5/2006
Great one! Excellent captured moment! Nice to have you here with us! We all expect more great photos from you!
David Mihoci
{K:450} 10/4/2006
opa Joza dosel na Usefilm... sa dobrom slikom si pocel :-)
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 10/3/2006
Josip great composition my dear friend well done !! regards joćo
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 10/3/2006
You should be ashamed of yourself - have you no respect for great art?;) Welcome to usefilm and looking forward to more disrespect. Regards, Gary
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/3/2006
Wilkd, wacky, wonderful, well done. --Jan
txules .
{K:62768} 10/2/2006
not just an humor shot, this is wonderful shot...txules
Amir Mohammadi
{K:4258} 10/2/2006
oh .. what a humor shot. good luck, Amir
Cleveland Smith
{K:7006} 10/2/2006
Josip, welcome to Usefilm. The yellow gloves made me laugh. Great job of image manipulation.
Akgün Günay
{K:150} 10/2/2006
Welcome leonardo :) Nice photo
Gail Solvang
{K:314} 10/2/2006
That's great photo editing.