Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/27/2006
Erland-- thanks for viewing and your kind comment. --Best to you, Jan
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 10/27/2006
I like it very nice simper but good erland
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/25/2006
Sascha-- Thanks for viewing and for your kind comment. --Best to you, Jan
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 10/24/2006
WOW. Amazing image. Very simple but perfectly presentated. Cheers Sascha
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/23/2006
Ave-- thankyou for your kind comments. --Best regards to you, Jan
kksksksk .
{K:701} 10/23/2006
ooo wow...really moving image:) Idea is intresting,love the colors :) Well done and all the best!!! -ave-
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/22/2006
Thanks for viewing and commenting - as you know it is Fall here in the US and no Spring in sight. Batten down the hatches -- the snow is coming. --jan (Just changed the oil in my snow blower today)
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/21/2006
Is it spring yet ..can,t miss winter and SNOW yessssss can,t wait and of course santa ..great shot and like all the colours in the fenceing ..nessa
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/19/2006
Tapioka-- I like your description.... --Best to you, Jan
Andrzej B.
{K:2244} 10/19/2006
Interesting picture. It looks like the globe left meridians and parallels to search for unfenced space. Thanks for your visits and comments in my PF.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/19/2006
Thanks again!!!!!! --Jan
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 10/19/2006
wonderful composed and great contrast...fine piece of art, jan!!!
lg, winfried
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/19/2006
Jani-- thanks for viewing and your kind comment. --Regards, Jan
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 10/19/2006
very creative work!!! Regards Jani
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/18/2006
Marlyce-- thanks for your comments. The wire is actually a dingy grey, origianlly white several years ago. I selected the wire and added a multi-color to it in order to add a little snap to the image. As for seasons, you are so right but I would still love to live on the West Coast. When I retire, my wife and I have been talking about looking around in the Marin area where my daughter and son-in-law live. But quite pricey there. --Best to you, Jan
Marlyce Chastain
{K:4071} 10/18/2006
interesting. the thumb nail I thought maybe some roller coaster ride. is the fence really those colors? I like the leaves which add a nice touch. Know you will miss having the fall, but where I live we only seem to have one season.....so when depressed about winter, think that soon you will have the changing of the colors that we don't see here.
Susie Peek-Swint
{K:7303} 10/17/2006
LOL Jan ~ I can just imagine you scraping a special path for Zoe .. she must be one much loved and special hound :) regards, susie
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/17/2006
Susie-- Thanks for viewing and your nice comments. As for Zoe, she is very arthritic in her old age and curls up in front of the fireplace for the duration of the winter. However, as you know, Bassetts have a heavy coat and she does wander out in the snow and rain without too much trouble when nature calls. Her only problem is that she is so low-slung, that when the snow is high I have to shovel a place for her in the backyard because she does not like "dipping" certain body parts in the snow.
Susie Peek-Swint
{K:7303} 10/17/2006
I love the composition and sparkly colours in the fencing ~ great shot Jan... hope you don't have to buckle down too much for the winter.. although I'm sure Zoe stays cosy in the warm :) susie
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/17/2006
Carlos-- Thanks for your kind comment. You really had that fill mastered well as I really could not tell. Subtlety is the key! --Regards, Jan
Carlos Hauck
{K:1035} 10/17/2006
Great photo. Really interesting the way the light is on the fence. Thanks for the comments, there was a little fill flash on that photo.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/17/2006
Pablo-- thanks for viewing and commenting. --Regards, Jan
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 10/17/2006
Interesting Job ,well done my friend.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/17/2006
Roberto-- thanks so much for viewing and your kind words. --Best to you, Jan
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 10/17/2006
Excellent abstract Jan! Beautiful work! Roberto.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/16/2006
I lived in Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee, and finally Madison when I attended Univ of Wisconsin. Back in the days when UW was a hot bed of radicals protesting the war; many tear gassing sessions, clubbing of students, blowing up of buildings. An exciting and fearful time to be there. Ironically, after being a hippy dippy for those years, I enlisted in the military and did two tours in Vietnam. That cured me. I am a peace-loving person now, cured by two years of combat. I miss Wisconsin quite a bit and I do go back with my wife to visit from time to time. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! --Jan
Robin W
{K:16308} 10/16/2006
You are very welcome Jan! I know the feeling of battening down the hatches and preparing for the "endless" winter season. Along with the yard work, there are preparations for the oncoming snow and ice...my husband is a snow removal contractor. The more it snows, the happier he is...he would probably love to be in your neck of the woods when winter rolls around! Personally, I prefer snow over the frigid temps anyday! Oh well, at least we have uf to keep us entertained through the long winter!
Take care...Robin
ps...where in Wisconsin???
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/16/2006
Robin-- thanks so much for your kind comments. I do hate cleaning up in the Fall because it is chore-filled recognition that Summer is gone and I am battening down the hatches for Winter. The Baltimore area where I live has "ugly" winters with so much moisture. I was born and raised in Wisconsin, and miss those super cold, snow-filled and dry winters where the Winter was not to be endured but rather enjoyed. Come Spring I will be back to OK about the whole thing. --Best to you, Jan
Robin W
{K:16308} 10/16/2006
Very creative Jan...love the bits of "real" leaves tangled in the funky colored fence! An ordinary (and yes, depressing) chore turned into a fantstic photo op! Take care...Robin
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/15/2006
Don't be depressed Jan!
You ought to see my garden (and not just the details I shoot from it... lol...) It is a wilderness!!!!!!! hehe... Although it is only 2/3 acre it is not even ground and the bush is competing with the introduced weeds and my exotic plants... now that's a full time job I have no time for!!! :)
Warmest Wishes my friend. Aniko :)
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/15/2006
Thanks so much for the WOW!! Makes me feel good (even though I can't claim Spring in Baltimore!). I still have parts of the garden to pull out and clean up; depressing. --Best and warmest reagards, Jan
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/15/2006
WOW Jan!!!!
This very much appeals to me! (In Australia it is spring... lol...)
I love the "feel" of the image... it "moves"... Great contrasts, colours... altogether my "taste". Love the composition. All "critiques" are subjective. But this knocks me out!
Warmest Wishes! Aniko :)