Thanks fabrice, I know your a fan now and I really apprecite your constant feedback, encouragement and that you take the time, everytime, to comment. I value your comments and look forward to your critiques and advice for many years to come. Thanks again Monica
Thanks Doyle, like your name for it too, I think because I know this was her walk to the ceremony, that she isn't quite maried yet, the excitement of a bride arriving etc etc-a more positive approach to marriage I think, esp for her very emotional dad. take care Monica
Interesting POV ( one my wife might not understand were I to attempt it - LoL! )and you did manage to capture the irridesence of the fabric . . . with good color and exposure, especially in the dappled lighting conditions. "There She Goes" might have been a better title though! :)
unusual capture, but this is well seen and done since, even for the little girl, one can see only the back. Some delicacy in the way the bride hand hold her dress. Nicely done Monica