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Bungie Stakes of Death
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Image Title:  Bungie Stakes of Death
Favorites: 6 
 By: Dan Lightner  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer  Dan Lightner {Karma:12684}
Project N/A Camera Model canon 30D
Categories Pets
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon  70-200 mm f/4.0 L USM
Uploaded 12/11/2006 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 2564 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 35 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
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Country - United States   United States
About Dan Lightner Photography
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There are 35 Comments in 1 Pages
Rick Smith Rick Smith   {K:5490} 1/1/2011
great it


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 1/25/2007
LOL..I know the flying doctors but not the flying dog:)Wonderful shot Dan. Congratulations on the POD award, very well deserved!!


Aykaan K Aykaan K   {K:13601} 1/14/2007
excellente capture...


Cleveland Smith Cleveland Smith   {K:7006} 1/13/2007
Dan, congratulations on Photo of the Day award, very well deserved with this capture.


Nevine Nabil Nevine Nabil   {K:193} 1/13/2007
This is such an amazing capture...VERY well done :):)


Maryam Sahafzadeh Maryam Sahafzadeh   {K:3380} 1/13/2007
you deserve it
... stunning capture!


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 1/13/2007
Wow, that is quite a jump. And quite an action shot, perfectly caught! Congratulations on the Photograph of the day award, quite a well deserving photograph for the award!

Best wishes,
Dave Arnold


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 1/13/2007
Fantastic !!!:)


Howard Kennedy   {K:420} 1/13/2007
Great capture!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/12/2007
recongrats dan.. my friend..
take care


Cathy Carroll Cathy Carroll   {K:28144} 1/12/2007
Dear Dan,
PS I just saw the title, was previously so overawed that I didn't look. So now I have got my "rush" for the day having seen something inspiring and a B G Laugh. Thank you. CC


Cathy Carroll Cathy Carroll   {K:28144} 1/12/2007
This SO deserves an award, it is breath taking! It's got it all. The wow factor of a dog in flight, not something you see everyday, and certainly not when you have a camera handy and the skill necessary to capture it!
The crop is tight enough to bring our focus right in on the expression, but includes enough for us appreciate the setting and the authenticity of the shot.
I love the pastel colours and the gentleness of this image, but what blows me away is the way the dog has engaged the camera (and thus me). Looking right down the barrel, and so perfectly focussed, I can't tear my eyes away from its face.
Certainly a favourite! CC


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 1/12/2007
Wonderful shot! We have an Aussie who looks a bit like your dog. Ours can't fly, though, unless there is a treat involved, and then she would rather knock you over to get it than to jump a fence.

Thank you for describing how you made this shot (tripod, 15 shots, etc.). I've tried the freeze frame shots before with no success, think a flash would have made mine better.


Susie  Peek-Swint   {K:7303} 1/12/2007
Awesome capture Dan ~ perfect timing and expression .. many congrats on your POTD award!


Bill Telzerow   {K:4993} 1/12/2007
WOW!!! What a great capture at f/4. The eyes are fantastic, and obviously, your pup really hates doing this for you ...LOL!!! One question; did you reward your pup for his tenaciousness to please you? Bravo!




Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 1/12/2007
I feel the dog is going to jump right into my arms, this is so clear and 3-D! SO wonderful, Dan!!!:) Of course, a Favorite.:)


Laurie J. Herndon   {K:5338} 1/10/2007
Dan the know I want this puppy desperately. Great action shot. Hope your holidays were happy. Been away recently checking out another site you gotta see called A MUST TO SEE. Lots of great images like usefilm. Take care and give the puppy a kiss for me.


Alain Mijngheer Alain Mijngheer   {K:11733} 12/21/2006
Just great to see a Border Collie like this.
Magnificent is the word!
Great & grtz,



Elena Zabelina   {K:23212} 12/14/2006
Wow! Dan, you have a flying dog!
Great and amazing shoot...
It's so interesting to take an action shots with animals.
Tomorrow I'll show you my "Flying" cat.
Warm regards,


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 12/12/2006
ohhhhh.. dan, my friend, .. this captured have a perfect and incredible timing, also the look of your dog that can see you!!!
marvelous.. all my best wishes.. and happy Xmas time..

take care..;)


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 12/12/2006
nice capture... perfect timing... great work


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 12/12/2006
OMG- fifteen takes! Poor dog must have been huffing and puffing (and loving all the attention from you).
This is a fantastic shot for so many reasons: props to the pooch; props to you for the great shot and the funniest title. So great/so amusing.
--Best to you, Jan


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 12/12/2006
I shot this on manual mode with a flash , F4 1/250th of a second. I underexposed the flash by 1 and 1/3 stops. So it would not look too blown out and harsh. The key for the sharpness was the flash freezing the action , I prefocused the camera and shot with manual focus. My dog will jump our fence on comand so it was just a matter of taking the shot at the high point of her jump. It took about 15 tries to get this one shot.Many blurry many out of frame. I also was using a tripod as I was shooting with a 200mm lens.


Kay McIntire   {K:11787} 12/12/2006
WOW! I can't even imagine how you got this one- so clear and focused, and that eye contact! A favorite for me!!!


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 12/12/2006
hi,love the image,Dan!...pretty BG bokeh,dynamic action,and i like the dog's expression with the FG fence,question: did you shoot this on some kind of action mode?...i recently posted a swan in water image in which swan was swimming toward me in low light,so shot came out a tad was suggested that i should have used a sport action mode on my film camera to get a sharper focus...obviously your dog is moving much faster than the swan,but any info is appreciated


Joel Aron Joel Aron   {K:14920} 12/12/2006
Awesome image!!!

Very well captured! perfect DOF!

You could possibly push the saturation, and contrast a bit more to give it a 'look', rather than a snapshot. Other than that, freakin awesome!!!

well done



Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 12/12/2006
What a decisive moment, Dan! You guys should take THIS act on the road!! ;)


Roberto Baez Duarte Roberto Baez Duarte   {K:5317} 12/12/2006
wahooo. excelent. just at the right moment,


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 12/12/2006
Very nice action shot, Dan!


C.A.  Mikulice C.A.  Mikulice   {K:13300} 12/11/2006
No ratings??!! How can I give you a 10???! This is perfect, Dan. I don't think I have ever seen a dog action shot from this angle, captured this perfectly. Just to get it in such perfect focus with the dog flying at you was quite a feat. Wonderful.



Wayne Winsauer Wayne Winsauer   {K:7331} 12/11/2006
Well captured. Excellent shot Dan.


joanna ewa   {K:8061} 12/11/2006
...flying dog:))))))))))excellent view


Imrana Kapetanovic Imrana Kapetanovic   {K:975} 12/11/2006
Fantastic shot!


a a a a   {K:853} 12/11/2006
This is beautiful image. very well done!


arda aydin   {K:1570} 12/11/2006
just one word..AWESOME.congratulations..




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