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Good Morning Bud...
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Image Title:  Good Morning Bud...
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 By: Ardalan Haddad  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Ardalan Haddad  Ardalan Haddad {Karma:15567}
Project #28 Springtime Camera Model Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Categories Florals
Film Format
Portfolio New Visions...
Lens 72.0 mm 1:2.7-3.5 USM
Uploaded 12/28/2006 Film / Memory Type -
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 507 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 22 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Melbourne
Country - Australia   Australia
About I just love this shot. I had lost it among other previously taken shots. now I found it back again. and im so happy.

Hope you enjoy this moment.

Stay Green,
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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
David Lockwood David Lockwood   {K:977} 2/3/2007
love this shot! colors are so crisp and bright. nice!


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 1/5/2007
it is very kind of you to decorate my shots with your comments.

All the bests,
Stay Green,


Iman M. Nezami Iman M. Nezami   {K:3276} 1/5/2007
Wow what great and warm colors. nice focus. i lie it very much.Coool use of DOF


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 1/1/2007
You wellcome dear Ardalan
I like very much to look your pictures


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 1/1/2007
my dear biljana,
your innocent comment has decorate my shot again.
Thanks for that.

All the bests in 2007+
Stay Green


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 1/1/2007
Hi Ardalan,This is realy so beautiful photo.I just love it
Warm regards


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 12/30/2006
Yes my dear Srna.
Surely, i remember that.I just rementioned to someone who understand the meaning of heart,it's you. Many of people are slept and may never understand that,may these text-based communications cause others to open up their eyes.

thanks for your that again.

All the bests,
Green moments all yours,


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 12/30/2006
Ardalan, you know that I have a great respect for enyone who listen and who is directed by heart, remember ?! We have spoken about that before and I told you this is a harder path but more beautiful.
See my previous comments in your photos, everything is written there.


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 12/30/2006
my dear and kind-hearted Srna,
what can I say in response to your full of cordiality comment.
Im so proud of that. and it's very kind of to give compliments like that. You are a pure-handed lady that it makes me think about myself more.

Thanks a very so much for your invaluable encouragement.

All the bests,
Stay Green, you deserve that.


ps: im a very small bit of this universe,all i can do is to be a person that my heart direct me to.that's the most important thing im thinking about to follow my hearts orders. Although sometimes hard and doubful,but no doubt that heart knows what will be then.

Take my best smiles,and happiness, and let your happiness be for others as well. You will be blessed and you will open the door of more mercies into your life.


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 12/30/2006
ps: you make my life happier cause you are so kind, gentle, full of precious emotions inside of u, and you use your mind very weel, keep going on like this, never do stop. You are special :)


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 12/30/2006
My dear, I definitely do enjoy happy feeling shot my dear friend !!! Exellent done in every little aspect of photography, well seen and captured. But the most adorable are red roses I love so much. You are so special :) You know my rate and take care, Srna


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 12/30/2006
You're welcome, dear Ardalan!:)


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 12/30/2006
my dear teacher,Shirley.
thanks a lot for your kind comment.

Take care,
Stay Green,


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 12/30/2006
It is a happy feeling shot, dear Ardalan.:)


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 12/30/2006
My dear Nicole,
Thanks for your impressive and kind comment.
Im delighted that you can enjoy looking at it.
All the bests,

Take care,
Stay Green,


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 12/29/2006
VERY nice florals dear Ardalan.I love this red color!!!!You captured this detail wonderful.I always love to receive red roses!! :)
My best regards to you,Nicole


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 12/29/2006
my dear bro,Alessandro,
Happy to see your kind and to the point comment here.
That's true, i kept that background there ntentionally because it's in a good contrast with foreround details. ^_^

Thanks man,

Stay Green,


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 12/29/2006
my dear friend,Neda,
Glad to see your comment on my shot.

Take care,

Stay Green,

Good happy moments (whether it's morining,noon or ...) ^_^


Alessandro Piazza Alessandro Piazza   {K:2213} 12/29/2006
i definitely do enjoy it...
very cute image
at first i thought it would have been nice also cropped but the contrast with the background is definitely worth to be seen
thanks for sharing


neda astani   {K:2824} 12/29/2006
Hi,Ardalan my dear friend , very good florals, and so good capture of details, Bravo.
Good morning,


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 12/29/2006
Dear Alicia,
I really appreciate your kind comment.

Take care,
Stay Green,


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 12/29/2006
Precioso detalle del jardín... bellos pimpollos y encantadores contrastes de colores!




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