Christian Schaefer
{K:-328} 11/18/2007
Thank you Peter for ur comments :) Chris
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 11/18/2007
Wow, love this one, exactly like i would make one .. Peter
Christian Schaefer
{K:-328} 8/8/2007
Thank u for this nice comment
Paul Schofield
{K:5970} 8/4/2007
Now this is beautiful. The lighting is just excellent, and the way it brings out the detail of the bud, with all its hairs is great. Lovely.
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 5/17/2007
I can only say : wow !!! Peter
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 5/17/2007
Hi Christian, sehr schoene Aufnahme. Gefaellt mir sehr gut. Gruss Sascha
{K:9123} 5/5/2007
Very beautiful abstraction of nature. Wonderful composition and setting with good details. Best wishes, Minoo
{K:7888} 4/29/2007
Nice shot.
Olga-Eva Krajciova
{K:19240} 4/27/2007
This is beautiful and somehow dramatic image. Wonderful one. regards Olga