Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/16/2007
Hi, Leo. How have you been? I have been away travelling for some time and just getting back. Hope to catch up on your recent pictures by this weekend. --Best to you, Jan
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 7/12/2007
Man, damage...
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/12/2007
Thanks, Srna. I have been travelling and will return to USEFILM next week some time. --Best to you, jan
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 7/9/2007
So hot it was Jan ?! Excellent shot and you really do find everything to capture and that is what I do like ... Warm hugs my friend Srna
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/7/2007
Annemette -- It has been very hot in Baltimore. This is what happens when you park in the sunlight. --Jan
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 7/7/2007
Wow! A very different and good entry to the project, Jan! Did you drive too fast while on your way home to Nancy?! *LOL* Take care Annemette
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/6/2007
I prefer socks and undies. Makes me more confident in a crowd. --Jan
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/6/2007
Mel -- This has been a hectic summer! I am travelling right now and expect to return in a week or so. I will touch base upon return. --Best to you, Jan
Ms. Mel Brackstone
{K:5285} 7/6/2007
I've just read all the comments, and I thought I'd mention that I always shoot in the raw :)
Ms. Mel Brackstone
{K:5285} 7/6/2007
OOPS!!! That's gotta hurt!!!
Long time no type, Jan, hope you are well! Regards Mel
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/4/2007
Thanks Liz. Don't forget to favor us animal lovers with pictures of your new kitten. Love that post you did recently with the legs, doll and background blurred kitten. Kittens & kids -- what a combo to photograph!!! --Best to you, Jan
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/4/2007
Kerry -- Thanks so much for commenting. Give RAW a chance when you have the time; it can give you a lot of leverage, especially in exposure range.
I had not even thought of the UK news when I posted it but now that you mention it does seem timely. Thanks for reminding me of that. --Best regards, Jan
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/4/2007
AJ -- I was a news photographer in the 1960's, using film of course (mostly 4x5 and medium format as well) and for news work rarely did any darkroom alterations other than cropping. If some detail absolutely had to be brought out then it was done only when absolutely needed. My approach would be the same for digital but of course I don't do news work anymore. So generally nothing is holding me back to make changes.
When using RAW, the initial RAW processor allows for color balance and numerous other adjustments. In this case I just took the RAW defaults, created a PSD, did the crop and that was the end of it. Obviously I could have (and probably should have) taken the time to clean this one up a bit, as you suggested -- all good suggestions.
RAW gives you many advantages, especially in exposure control because the file contains a lot more information than a JPEG and is also in Loss-less format. It can also be processed as 16 bit which can render more accurate color as well as other advantages.
Once you adapt the RAW to your work-flow you will learn to like it. In Photoshop CS3 even more leverage is obtained with the latest RAW preprocessor. Give it a chance. --Best to you, Jan
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 7/4/2007
LOL....now that is hot!!
Kerry Nobbs
{K:2800} 7/4/2007
Interesting shot. I like it. I like the suggestions as well. I have done some RAW but it does not like me...yet. Nothing I would put on here anyway. Good job. Some pretty hot spots around the world the last few days, good title match. Kerry
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 7/4/2007
"When I wear [the journalist's] hat the rule is: CROP ONLY!!!"
Really? I would have thought that if you were shooting raw, you would have to allow yourself the privilege of adjusting at least colour and contrast, as this is no more than you would do to recreate the darkroom, and sharpness since this is generally necessary with digital. Though I must admit, never having dabbled in chemicals myself (that's my story and I'm sticking to it), I'm not sure how far that applies.
I would expect the clone tool to be out of bounds, and blur as well, but dodge and burn?
I like the concept of taking the image straight out of the camera, but I thought that half the idea of shooting raw was that you finished the image off on the computer. I've just switched to raw myself and am NOT enjoying the experience...
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/3/2007
AJ -- A very good critique and THANKS!!!!!!! The single pixel frame is an excellent idea. I did think about some dodge, burn and blur but I was posting this one wearing my journalist's hat (it is old and worn out). When I wear that hat the rule is: CROP ONLY!!! The only allowed change is cropping although the single pixel frame would be OK by that rule as technically it is outside the picture area. Thanks again. --Best to you, Jan
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/3/2007
You might be right about the word; it wasn't THE word but maybe close enuf.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 7/3/2007
And now I realise that despite all our exchanges relative to this image, I haven't really critiqued it. So here goes...
There are a couple of burnt out areas that you might consider dealing with, such as on the road outside, the (ex)dashboard and the truck parked opposite. And I would suggest you might put a single pixel black frame around, just to hold those bright areas in.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 7/3/2007
I guess it may object to F**ckr in the comment (although I managed to get something similar in my crab "about" - funny, no one has commented on that! I thought there were a couple of things there that might upset those of a more nervous disposition...)
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/3/2007
Roger -- Thanks for the comment. The outside of the car was just as bad! --jan
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/3/2007
Thanks, AJ. Apparently it does post here but does send the comment via email. never had that happen to me before. If you can figure out what i did to be blocked let me know. --Jan
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/3/2007
crikey... great shot Jan
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 7/3/2007
I got your first message three times and your second message once. Anyway, I've now got your email and will verify right away...
All the best AJ
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 7/3/2007
AJ -- I wrote a long reply here and could not post it. Looks like the automated language police did not like it. I have no idea why. Then I went over to your crab photo and tried to post it there and again it was stopped and not posted. I don't have your email address and if it does not get posted to your Crab shot let me know and I will email it to you. My email is jan.hoffman@ssa.gov --Best regards, Jan
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 7/3/2007
Oops! Actually, it looks as though the hot-wiring didn't work and the remains have cooled down again, so no, this is not hot hot hot!
Glad to see you're still here (even if your motor is extinct). So many more friendly faces seem to have disappeared over the last few weeks...