Dan TDFoto
{K:8618} 4/5/2008
I love the perspective and candid nature of this shot... straightening out the horizon would add a little something...but good job. Dan :)
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/31/2007
Grazie Emiliano

Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/31/2007
Grazie Emiliano

Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/31/2007
Grazie Emiliano

emiliano chionaky
{K:3135} 8/31/2007
great idea, intresting perspective. london viewed from an unusual point of view! congratulations emiliano
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/27/2007
Thanks Doyle.
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 8/27/2007
Very cool POV Nacho!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 8/26/2007
I like the angle! An original idea to shoot the bridge over the faces of the bus travellers! YT
Robert Chin
{K:22282} 8/24/2007
Beautiful capture of the bridge Nacho,thanks for sharing your vacation. Take care Robbie
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/21/2007
Thanks Michele.Good observation.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 8/21/2007
A very nice view of the bridge in the BG- and the architecture .... the lady in front with the red jacket seems to be smiling at You :)) 7/7
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/21/2007
Thanks Marian.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 8/21/2007
wow!!!!! so beautiful!!!!!! excellent capture dear Nacho!!!! the composition is great!!!!! fine colors and details!!!!!magifiscent!!!!! 7++++++++++++++++ all the best Marian
Marcelo Berraz
{K:12906} 8/21/2007
Muy buen trabajo Nacho, gran profundidad de campo. bRavo.M.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/21/2007
Thanks Kamran.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/21/2007
Thanks Dave.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/21/2007
Gracias Alicia.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/21/2007
Thanks John.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 8/21/2007
WOW! Beautiful image, the bridge towers at the back looks so impressive, amazing architecture subject Jose. Best regards!
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 8/21/2007
Hola Nacho, Very nice shot my friend,as most of yours, Felicitaciones Stan
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 8/21/2007
Magnífico paisaje urbano y muy interesantes las caras de los pasajeros! Felicitaciones!!!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 8/20/2007
An interesting view of the bridge, Nacho, and I like the expressions of the various passengers! Dave.
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 8/20/2007
great shot dear Nacho,very well done.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 8/20/2007
another good point of view from london it seems to be there! thansk for sharing PAOLO
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/20/2007
Thanks Biljana.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 8/20/2007
Interesting picture with many happy faces:) 7+++ hugs biljana
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/20/2007
Thanks Minoo.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/20/2007
Thanks Nicole.
{K:9123} 8/20/2007
A very attractive shot, dear nacho.
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 8/20/2007
This is such a beautiful place to look at!And it seems to me that the weather is a bit better!!! Very well done Nacho! Nicole 7/7