Costruita a partire dal XII sec., mostra i segni di tutte le epoche storiche attraversate dalla città. La grandiosa facciata, dalla particolarissima struttura a tre cuspidi, fu iniziata in stile romanico. La parte superiore, di qualche decennio più tarda, è in stile gotico e presenta, oltre alle numerose arcatelle e ai finestroni strombati, un magnifico Giudizio Universale. Entro una nicchia, nella parte destra della facciata, si trova la statua di Alberto d’Este. Al lato opposto, il busto bronzeo di papa Clemente VIII si affaccia su una lapide che ricorda la presa di Ferrara da parte del pontefice effigiato. Il fianco lungo piazza Trento Trieste è decorato da due logge con colonnette fantasiosamente scolpite, e termina con l’imponente campanile rinascimentale in marmo bianco e rosa, opera attribuita a Leon Battista Alberti. L’abside in laterizio appena movimentato dagli archi in cotto e dai capitelli marmorei, è opera dell’ architetto e urbanista ferrarese Biagio Rossetti. L’interno, interamente rifatto nel XVII sec., contiene fastose decorazioni e opere di gran pregio.
Cathedral St. George. Ferrara. Italy.
The Cathedral dates from the 12th century and bears witness to all the historical periods of the city. The outstanding façade, divided into three sections, was begun in Romanesque style, still visible in the lower part. Note the St. George and the scenes from the New Testament above the central door, the work of the sculptor Nicholaus (1135). The upper part was built some decades later in a Gothic style and besides the numerous small arches and the splayed mullioned windows presents an extraordinary Last Judgment by an unknown sculptor over the central loggia. Under these sculptures there is an elegant Gothic loggia with a statue of the Virgin Mary and the Child, which dates from the early part of the 15th century and is attributed to Michele da Firenze. In the lower part of the facade, on the left, a memorial tablet recalls the passage of power in Ferrara from the Este family to Pope Clement VIII, whose head in bronze is placed above the marble plaque. To the right, in a niche, stands a statue of the marquis Alberto d’Este, founder of the university (1391). The side facing Piazza Trento Trieste is decorated with two galleries and small columns of various shapes. At ground level is the Loggia of the Merchants, occupied by shops since Medieval times. Half way along the south side what remains of the Porta dei Mesi, demolished in the 18th century can still be seen; some of its sculptures are conserved in the Cathedral Museum. The imposing Renaissance belltower, in pink and white marble, is an unfinished work attributed to Leon Battista Alberti. The brickwork apse, whose sober design is lightly embellished by terracotta arches and marble capitals, is the work of Ferrara’s top architect and town planner, Biagio Rossetti.
Wonderful composition and perspective Ugo, really perfect shot!!! Can see the flowers around the statue, lovely!!! You did see well and captured these lovely colours, thanks a lot for sharing the 'about' as well, hugs Jenxx
Thanks for sharing with us such a great history and architecture dear Ugo !!! Wonderful perspective, details ... impressive !!! Beautiful !!! Hugs, Srna