Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 5/14/2009
Je suis heureux. And yes, I admit my mind is largely freudian ( every 8 seconds .. )
Allez, discover more my friend.
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 5/13/2009
Hello Harry, Thank yyyyoooouuuu, very nice from you and all surprises in beautiful colours and my favourite subject and title : DISCOVERY. I work in oil exploration and making discoveries is the objective I'm aiming for. This one is now on the original and full scale, that's my discovery of today :-) Your previous version with a tight crop had low resolution. I already suggested you something different with another plot which I post again below as reminder and which applies so much to your Freudian spirit. The seat number is purely accidental, lol :-) Once more thanks a lot for you dedication, vriendelijke groet, Paul
Harry, the driver's seat is for you |
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 5/13/2009
Thank you Arup !
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 5/13/2009
Thanks Brigitte, I specially made it for Paul Beukelaar bcse he fancies Freudian symbolism ;-)
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 5/13/2009
Fair dinkum, same "big eyes" ;-)
Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 5/13/2009
Awesome shot, Harry!! Love the colors and the fact that there are so many interesting details - the eye really wanders in this scene... and oh boy.... those kids looks like they are contemplating the wild ride they are about to embark on! Discovery is the perfect title for not just the ride but the image also. I love the frame too. 7/7
Arup Bhattacharya
{K:3422} 5/13/2009
Interesting, Bright , colorful & impressive. Regards.
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 5/13/2009
I like this Harry. Lots of colour and fun. Is that Jenneke with the sword in the background? Looks like her. :)) Cheers mate