{K:16195} 7/13/2003
Great composition with excellent sky colours. Congrats, Regards, Hayri.
Gustavo Valadares
{K:18} 7/13/2003
Great shot.
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 7/13/2003
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 7/13/2003
Good shot with nice lighting, colours and reflection. Regards, Joksa.
augusto mario cunha
{K:19049} 7/12/2003
I like the overall composition and would not add or remove a thing from it. A splendid sky and its beautiful reflections!
Priyadarshi Sinha
{K:7238} 7/12/2003
good shot. well done Eddy !!!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 7/12/2003
Excellent Heaven's color, Eddy mission kim * ^ - ^ *
Romulo Lubachesky
{K:11836} 7/12/2003
Nice collors
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 7/12/2003
Wonderful colors, excellent composition, Eddy! Beaultiful reflections and silhouettes. Congrats! ..... Lucas
Rafal K. Komierowski
{K:6441} 7/12/2003
A very dramatic color presentation. Nicely seen.
Bob Whorton
{K:2740} 7/12/2003
Hi Eddy, Nice composition & colours, maybe a little dark and a little too much foreground, removing the full potential of the reflected light. But very nice ats.