Stuart Boyle
{K:1505} 7/18/2003
Pinhole photography was only a choice of words that reflected what I thought was a good name for the capture. Sorry if I gave the wrong impression?that was not intentional! The picture was more by accident when I attached the lens adaptor to my camera before the telephoto lens and setting the camera to that lens, all you are seeing through is through the barrel attachment.
David Metcalfe
{K:296} 7/18/2003
Nice shot Stuart. Interesting effect -- was it photoshop created, or directly with the camera somehow? If so, would be interested in hearing how?
{K:1011} 7/17/2003
Did you put the camera inside a box for this fine shot? great thing about pinhole is DOF absolutley loads of it, nice capture
Terry McCully
{K:9221} 7/17/2003
I would like to know how you did this Pinhole...Could you please explain if you have the time. I do Pinhole also if you care to take a look, but you said that your camera was a Nikon 5700 which is a digital camera.... This looks like a fish eye more than a pinhole...lol...do you have some kinda lens cover with a pinhole in it?
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 7/17/2003
watch your workmates at play..