{K:32791} 7/25/2003
I love the tension not only in the expression of the two dogs and owner but also in the triangle of the composition that moves from man at apex to two dogs at base and is framed by the leashes. As such it would be cool if you could bring the leashes out more. ;)
Fun shot!!
I assume you use your camera on auto-mode then?
Christian Wettergren
{K:1333} 7/25/2003
Hi! Sai, gee thanks, it has been hard work from being unable to snap at people at all. A looot of wasted film is has been and still is. Expensive as ****, it is. I use a simple Canon EOS 300 with a standard 28-90 zoom, and I usually take photos from the hip, uncomposed and random. Thanks! -Christian
Patricia Eifel
{K:5097} 7/24/2003
It takes a quick eye to capture such moments in a well-composed image. Well done!
. .
{K:2743} 7/24/2003
you have a good eye for street photography... what camera do you use? how do you go about taking pictures discreetly... especially pictures like this one
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 7/24/2003
fantastic momment
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 7/24/2003
A very good "the moment" it happened. Thanks for sharing.