Anil Nediyara
{K:93} 5/16/2007
Hi Steve, I hadnt read your comment regarding the prints, the print reached me after a long journey and is hanging on my wall.
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 3/8/2004
OUTSTANDING!! I saw this on the 'randoms'....this is a gorgeous photograph! I like everything about it, the color, composition, reflection. Just beautiful!!
Lori :)
Suha Derbent
{K:514} 5/9/2002
Shary Shary
{K:428} 4/26/2002
This is one of the most beautiful images of a landscape I have ever seen.
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 1/18/2002
Now had I taken this shot, I'd retire my camera... Hard to ever top this photo. I agree with all of the above comments. A trully amazing photo.
Phillip Filtz
{K:1792} 8/28/2001
Won't wast drive space
Ditto - Ditto
Dawn F. Collins
{K:560} 8/26/2001
Steve, Did you hear that clunk? That was my jaw hitting the floor. WOW! Your pictures have inspired me! I tracked down a store that carries Velvia (and a wide variety of other films), and I got me some. I've yet to load it into my camera. (I'm saving that for when I get my tripod.) In the meantime, I'm drooling over your shots.
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 8/26/2001
Spectacular, Steve. Really, really good.
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 8/26/2001
Thanks all, for the kind comments. This picture was shot in late June 2000, at about midnight. I had this image drum scanned, and had a couple of large prints made from the scan. One's hanging on my wall, the other seems to be lost in never-never land between Alaska and Anil's home in India.
This area is easily accessible. The lake in this shot is just 20 meters off the road. The road is the Dalton Highway, which was the "North Slope Haul Road". It's the road which was built for the oil pipeline; it's open to the public but services are extremely limited, and the road is often quite rough.
Deleted User
{K:6775} 8/26/2001
This one definitely jumps out at ya Steve...well done as usual...you have some great images!...Maggie
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 8/25/2001
Gees, Steve, I should be so lucky! I didn't know an image like this was possible. Took my breath away.
Debbie Groff
{K:9569} 8/26/2001
This is beautiful Steve as your photography always is...If I were sitting on top of that mountain I'd probably never make it down*smile* Wanted to edit comment...I can get to be such a SA sometimes...Looking forward to your Live Landscape at Usefilm...
Ray Wearn
{K:1052} 8/25/2001
We should all be thankful that there are still some unspoilt places like this for photographers of your calibre to capture and show us. Beautiful, simply beautiful.
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 5/25/2001
Wonderfull Image Steve.........