{K:9693} 10/1/2003
congrats! you have a really good portfolio. cheers
Diamantino Mendes
{K:12959} 9/22/2003
Great work, fantastic B&W composition. Congrats!
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 9/22/2003
Hi Marcel, I didn'y see the first one but I liek this one very much. Love the contrasts between the building, the branches and the man. Excellent B&W. Moody, I would say. Marília PS- Echoes was shot in my garden with natural light.
Blazej Lindner
{K:3221} 9/16/2003
this is great. i like subject and that tree in front of the pic. ... it makes a perfect fit to a backgraund.
{K:12204} 9/12/2003
This is so cool! I don't have anything quite like it in my portfolio, but I'd like to....
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 9/12/2003
This looks like a great mystery novel cover. Murder at the High Museum. I really like the feeling. I've been to that museum often!
. .
{K:16329} 9/12/2003
It is interesting light. Good capture!
Quantummeter .
{K:2870} 9/12/2003
I found this composition very interesting. Very good work. Best regards, Pablo