Blessed with a fantastic model, this is one of my favorite Medium Format shots. Last roll of the day (fun roll). And yes, the background is a nightmare - but I think the model is just distracting enough to pull it off... Used Kodak 100VS, my favorite alternative to Velvia for portraits.
Lighting: 5:00 sun, placed behind and to the left of the subject to create hightlight along hair and body. Rated for shadow, so as to bleach highlights. No reflectors. - Looks much better full size! -
I am immediately drawn to the model by the convergent lines of the background. I have no problems at all with this background but then I never liked rules. Excellent model, what a face!
I agree with you on the nightmarish background, but again, as mentioned, the model draws my focus, and I don't really notice it as much as I do when I just concentrate on the background. I've had several great photos ruined by just such a background.